Proceedings from the February 12, 2025 Meeting, The District #18 Board of Education


Regular Meeting

EPS Distance Learning Room

February 12, 2025, 6:30 PM

President Lisa Welding called the regular February Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  The board members present were Eric Beckman, Ron Bode, Steve Busteed, Todd Heithoff and Lisa Welding. Also present were Superintendent Mike Brockhaus and Principal Greg Wemhoff. Luke Hinkle was absent. 

Todd Heithoff motioned, and Ron Bode seconded to excuse Luke Hinkle from the meeting. Vote 5-0, motion carried. 

President Welding led the “Pledge of Allegiance.”  Welding reminded everyone that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Law was posted in the meeting room.      

The school board meeting notice complied with the Meeting Notice Policy #204.07.  Posting was done on the High School building window and post office bulletin board.

Eric Beckman motioned and Steve Busteed second to approve the Consent Agenda: #4- Minutes of Previous Meeting, #5 – Adopt the Agenda, #6- Financial Report, #7 – Board Bills. Vote 5-0, motion carried. 

A to Z Vac n Sew, 2610 431 000, $129.90; Amazon, $780.54; Appeara, 2610 610 000, $623.43; Applied Connective Technologies, 2510 530 000, $156.00; Binswanger Glass, 2610 431 000, $1,632.26; Bishop Business, 2510 490 000, $138.83; Black Hills Energy, 2610 621 000, $4,417.72; Bomgaars, 2610 610 000, $1,104.58; Brockhaus, Mike, 2730 626 000, $44.04; Chartwells, 1100 890 001, $102.00; COR Therapeutic, 2140 320 000, $1,525.00; Dana F Cole, 2510 315 000, $475.00; Dean’s Market, 2610 610 000, $37.94, 1100 890 002, $39.26; Eakes, 2610 610 000, $1,346.70; ESU #8, $97,238.30, $80.00, $45.50; Elgin Hardware, 2610 610 000, $251.69; Elgin One Stop, 2710 626 000, $1,414.92; Elgin Review, 2310 540 000, $625.79, 2510 540 000, $934.00; Elkhorn RPPD, 2610 621 000, $2,681.28; Floor Maintenance & Supply, 2610 610 000, $320.20; Graham Tire, 2730 431 000, $858.00; Great America Financial Svcs, 2510 490 000, $880.71; GO Physical Therapy, 6408/2161, $2,164.75; Great Plains Communication, 2510 530 000, $715.62; HP Inc., 6700 733 001, $1,385.33; Hometown Station, 2710 626 000, $496.86; Island Supply, 1100 610 001, $109.12; IXL Learning, 1100 643 002, $3,731.25; Jonny Dodge, 2730 431 000, $1,377.66; Ken’s Band Instrument Repair, 1100 810 000, $74.00; KSB School Law, 2330 317 000, $567.00; MidAmerican Research Co., 2610 610 000, $642.54; NASB, 2320 810 000, $115.00, 2310 810 000, $3,744.00; Northeast Regional Programs, 6408 16/17, $46.50; Olson’s Pest Technicians, 2610 890 000, $105.00; OneSource, 2510 890 000, $38.50; Overland Rehab, 6408 320 000, $461.55; Pitzer Digital, 2310 540 000, $288.00; Sands Truck Service, 2730 431 000, $745.56; TMS, 2580 351 000, $67.98; Truck Center, 2730 431 000, $6,110.70; US Bank, $1,392.66; Verizon Business, 2510 530 000, $97.84; Verizon Wireless, 2510 530 000, $22.23; WageWorks, 1100 291 000, $139.25; Wild Roots, 1100 610 001, $415.51; Wells Fargo, $7,784.90; Y&Y Lawn Service, 2630 431 000, $5,519.50 

Total Board Bills: $156,242.40 

Payroll: $261,514.15 

Total Board Bills/ Payroll: $417,756.55

President Welding recognized visitors and asked if the patrons had any comments.

In the Committee reports, there were no changes to the committee’s assignments. There were no reports from standing committees.

In the principal’s report, Principal Wemhoff reported on previous activities and the upcoming activities. 

Supt. Brockhaus reported that a new section of mirror for the weight room will be placed, needs to be replaced per ALICAP. Mr. Brockhaus mentioned another summer project will be replacing the locker room ceiling tiles with waterproof ceiling tiles. Also reported on the principal evaluation. 

In action items, Eric Beckman motioned to approve the transfer of funds of $350,000 from the General Operating Fund to an interest-bearing account at Great Plains State Bank, seconded by Ron Bode.  Vote 4-0, Heithoff abstained, motion carried.

Heithoff motioned; Busteed seconded to approve the offering of teacher contracts for 2025-2026 school year. Vote 5-0, motion carried.

Busteed motioned, Bode seconded to approve the teaching contract for Mr. Brian McGill for Junior High Math. Vote 5-0, motion carried.

Bode motioned to approve the 2025-2026 school calendar. Beckman seconded. Vote 5-0, motion carried. 

Bode motioned to approve the bid from Mike Schmitt for $15,488 to replace the 4th grade and 5th grade classroom windows along with the panels above. Beckman seconded the motion. Vote 5-0, motion carried.

Heithoff motioned, Beckman seconded to approve the addition of MTSS and Esports Positions on the Extra Duty Salary Schedule, starting the school year of 2025-2026. Vote 5-0, motion carried.

Heithoff motioned to approve the bid for carpeting of the new Spanish (old teachers’ lounge room) from Leifelds for $2,686.44 and approve the bid for a 15’ x 9’ heavy duty rug with EPS logo on from Urbanec’s for $1519.00 for the production room. Busteed seconded. Vote 5-0, motion carried.  

Bode made a motion to approve the first reading of updated Policy 504.02R1 Elgin Public School Testing and Honor Awards. Seconded by Heithoff. Vote 5-0, motion carried.

In discussion items, the Americanism Hearing will be at 7:00 p.m. on March 12th, before the regular March Meeting. Discussion was also held on the updating of the Northwest Elementary building lights.

Motion by Busteed and second by Beckman to adjourn the meeting.  Vote 5-0, motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m. The next meeting will be held on March 12, 2025, at 7:30 p.m. in the EPS Board room.

Respectfully submitted,

Ron Bode, Secretary

Jessica Niewohner, Recorder

-This is a draft copy and does not become official Elgin Public Board minutes until approved at the next regular or advertised meeting.

PUBLISH: February 19, 2025