Proceedings-Village of Bartlett

12 DECEMBER 2022
The Village of Bartlett board meeting was called to order at 7:13 p.m. on December 12, 2022. The meeting met at the Village Office, 425 Randolph St. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Williamson. The members present were Einspahr, Plugge and Williamson. Absent: Nichols, and Reiter. Also, Judy Petersen Executive Director, CNEDD, and Vicki Vannier, village clerk. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by posting at: Bartlett Post Office, WeMart, and Village Office. Chairman Williamson proclaimed the meetings to be a legal meeting and acknowledged that the Open Meetings Act was posted in the meeting room.
MINUTES: It was moved by Einspahr, seconded by Plugge to approve the November 22, minutes of the Special meeting. Roll call vote: Yes—Einspahr, Williamson, Plugge. No: None. Absent: Nichols, Reiter. Abstained: None. Motion carried. It was moved by Plugge, seconded by Einspahr to approve the November 14, 2022, regular meeting minutes. Roll call vote: Yes—Einspahr, Williamson, Plugge. No: None. Absent: Nichols, Reiter. Abstained: None. Motion Carried.
STREETS: Judy Petersen was introduced. She discussed the next steps of the Street Grant. It was Moved by Plugge, seconded by Einspahr to approve the Financial Management Certification, Authorizing the Chairman, Williamson and Clerk, Vannier to request funds, and to appoint Vannier as the Fair Housing Office—mailing out “Fair Housing Brochures” to residents of the village. . Roll call vote: Yes—Einspahr, Williamson, Plugge. No: None. Absent: Nichols, Reiter. Abstained: None. Motion Carried.
WATER: Was discussed. No action taken.
SEWER: Was discussed. A list of people on the Automatic call line is to be revised.
KENO: Was discussed.
USER FEES: were discussed. A letter will be sent to one of the village residents concerning a camper in the street and also for non-payment of utility bill.
DECEMBER CLAIMS: Were discussed. It was moved by Einspahr, seconded by Plugge to pay the claims. Roll call vote: Yes—Einspahr, Williamson, Plugge. No: None. Absent: Nichols, Reiter. Abstained: None. Motion Carried.
GENERAL: Internal Revenue Service, Payroll Taxes, $254.92; NE Dept. of Labor, Reduce unemployment rate, $11.93; Elgin Review, Publication of minutes, $214.95; Northeast Nebraska Telephone, Telephone & internet, $139.81; Postmaster, 1 roll stamps + postage, $120.00; L & L Sanitation, Garbage pick-up, $1,627.75; Bronco Buzz, Publication of minutes, $50.00; Farmers & Merchants Bank, Safe Deposit Box fee, $20.00; McNally Law Office, Land sale agreement, $250.00; Eakes Office Solutions, Office Supplies, $170.95; Kurtis Einspahr, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Dan Williamson, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Scott Plugge, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Vicki Vannier, Monthly Salary, $204.02, $458.14; Additional Time pay-St. Grant, $78.52; Mileage round trip to Ord/CPA, $46.13; Reimbursement/Norton anti-virus, $73.84; Office Supplies, $55.63
SEWER: Dan Williamson, Sewer Operator, $368.08; Jerry Koinzan, Spraying weeds & mowing Lagoon area, $400.00; Loup Valley Pub. Power Dist., Electricity–November, $48.04; O’Neill Elect. Motor Service, Repair of Lift station pumps, $165.00
STREETS: Loup Valley Pub. Power Dist., Electricity–November, $982.28
WATER: Mark Nordhues, Professional Fee, $200.00; Reimbursement for shipping water samples, $114.86; Loup Valley Pub. Power Dist., Electricity–November, 571.89
OTHER BUSINESS: The Freshman Ag class refinished the Merry-go-round. It looks GREAT. Thank you. Permission was granted to have the students from the school put the new playground equipment together. It was moved by Einspahr, seconded by Plugge to ask for an Audit Wavier. . Roll call vote: Yes—Einspahr, Williamson, Plugge. No: None. Absent: Nichols, Reiter. Abstained: None. Motion Carried
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be Monday, January 9, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
Dated this 12th day of December 2022
PUBLISH: December 21, 2022