June 14, 2022
The Wheeler Central Board of Education regular meeting was held on May 11, 2022. Acting chairperson Freouf called the meeting to order at 8:01 p.m. and pointed out the location of the Open Meetings Act poster. The roll was called, and the following members were present: Jessica Swick, Adam Freouf, Dennis Derner, and Sue Patrick. A motion was made by Derner, seconded by Patrick to excuse the absence of Drew Kasselder. Roll call vote: Swick-aye, Freouf-aye, Derner-aye, Patrick-aye. Motion carries. Also present were Rodney Olson, Makayla Reiter, and Andrea Pelster.
Patrick made the motion, seconded by Swick, to approve the consent agenda as presented. Roll call vote: Kasselder-aye, Swick-aye, Freouf-aye, Derner-aye, Patrick-aye. Motion carried.
AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, Maintenance, Sec. Supply, Tech, $384.39; APPLIED CONNECTIVE TECHNOLOGIES, Tech Services, $210.00; BARNHILL ENTERPRISES, Secondary Supply, $45.00; CENTRAL NEBRASKA REHABILITATION SERVICES, OT Service, $1,270.06; COMPUTER HARDWARE, Computer Repair, $100.00; CROXEN, KENDRA, Supply, $6.61; DAS STATE ACCTG – CENTRAL FINANCE, OCIO, $1,437.92; E M C INSURANCE, Insurance, $7,275.90; EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT # 8, SPED, $6,787.85; ELGIN REVIEW, Publishing, $107.59; ELITE OFFICE PRODUCTS, Copier Lease, $420.22; GROCERY KART, Supply, $196.78; GUGGENMOS, KELLY, Supply, $85.50; HASTINGS MUSEUM OF, Secondary Trip, $297.00; HONORBOUND IT, Network, $600.00; ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO, Supply, $330.33; KEBER, JAMES, Transportation Labs, $195.00; KEBER, JEAN, Transportation Lab, $195.00; KNLV RADIO, Advertising, $165.00; KSB SCHOOL LAW, Legal Services, $2,775.00; LOUP VALLEY R.P.P.D., Electricity. $2,984.81; MCI, Phone Service, $56.64; NEBRASKA AG ED ASSOCIATION, Prof Fees, $235.00; NORDHUES FAMILY, Mowing Service, $1,540.00; NORTHEAST NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO, Phone Service, $290.03; O’NEILL SHOPPER, Publishing, $50.00; PEOPLE’S SERVICE, Transportation Repair, $30.00; PETAL & STEM, Misc Expense, $12.00; POWERSCHOOL, INC, Powerschool, $4,005.51; REITER, MAKAYLA, Keys, $26.64; SAPP BROTHERS, Propane, $450.36; SCHLENGER, SHAWNA, Supply, $74.47; SLEVIN, DEB, Supply, $165.00; TIMELESS FLORAL, Supply, $53.50; TORPINS RODEO MARKET, PreK Supply, $28.67; TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES, Copier Lease, $335.00; VIAERO WIRELESS, Phone Service, $146.51; W E MART, Supply, $2,484.26; WADAS INC., Maintenance Repairs, $1,039.85; WELLS FARGO EQUIPMENT FINANCE INC., Transportation Lease, $6,613.00; WHEELER CENTRAL ACTIVITY FUND, AR Prizes, $596.32; YMCA, Secondary Trip, $72.50
Total: $44,175.22
At this time, the visitors were welcomed.
The new volleyball jerseys were shown during the staff reports.
Olson gave the Principal/Superintendent reports. Olson gave updates on the status of grants and state reporting.
The Maintenance report was given by Olson. He gave an update on summer cleaning and repairs. Future projects were also discussed.
Trina Pelster gave the transportation report. An update on the new grill guards was given and future repairs were discussed.
During the Board report, Patrick gave an update on the Faye Blair Scholarship. Swick also followed up on having a community potluck.
Discussion was held on school lunch prices for the 2022/2023 school year. Derner made a motion to adopt a price increase of 5% for lunches/breakfasts with meal costs round to the nearest nickel. Swick seconded. Roll call: Patrick – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carries.
Patrick made the motion to appoint Andrew Smith to the current open ward vacated by Jerilee Wright for the remainder of her four-year term. Derner seconded the motion. Roll call: Patrick – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carries.
Swick made a motion to offer a teaching contract to Mrs. Jerilee Wright contingent on Mrs. Wright’s ability to obtain a transitional field endorsement certificate int eh area of 7-12 Science. Seconded by Derner. Roll call: Patrick – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carries.
Patrick made the motion to remove Mr. Olson and Mr. Johnson from the bank accounts held by the Wheeler Central School District and replace them with Mr. Kluver and Mrs. Reiter. Derner seconded. Roll call: Patrick – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carries.
A motion to accept the Staff Handbook as presented for the 2022-2023 school year was made by Patrick. Seconded by Swick. Roll call: Patrick – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carries.
Patrick made a motion to approve the Student Handbook for the 2022-2023 school year with the omission of the second paragraph under the Food Service Program regarding delinquent payments. Motion was seconded by Swick. Roll call: Patrick – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carries.
At this time, the recommended Social Studies curriculum was presented to the board. Swick made the motion to adopt the Studies Weekly curriculum for grades PreK-4 and renew the Savvas Social Studies curriculum for grade 5&6. Seconded by Patrick. Roll call: Patrick – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carries.
Due to safety concerns the Wheeler Central Board has looked at making improvements to the current sidewalks on campus and at the Superintendent’s residence. Swick made a motion to approve the bid made by Pellatz Custom Concrete for the concrete work. Seconded by Derner. Roll call: Patrick – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carries.
Patrick made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Derner. Roll call vote – all aye. Meeting adjourned as 9:39 p.m.
The next regular board meeting will be held July 11th at 8 p.m. with a special board meeting being held at 7 p.m.
PUBLISH: June 22, 2022