“Green Apple,” a Herb Mignery bronze creation has recently been placed on the Wheeler County Court House lawn. The statue is on a five year loan from the Museum of Nebraska Art of Kearney. It portrays youngsters Herb Mignery and his good friend Charles McLain on a horse, picking green apples.
Herb and Charles lived across the road from each other near Bartlett and would pick apples in an orchard east of Charles’s house. The horse they rode was ornery.
Charles, the son of the late Art McClain, died at a young age of a ruptured appendix.
The statue was transported to Bartlett by Ken and Bob Nichols and Joe Walkowiak. Those helping install the statue were Conner Croxen, Cody Ramsey, Rudy Smith, Logan Pelster, Joe Walkowiak and Glenn Tetschner.
This special Herb Mignery bronze collection has brought visitors from near and far to the little village of Bartlett, Herb’s childhood home.