Pershing Auditorium was filled with FFA members, advisors, families and supporters.
On April 3, 2009, 411 FFA members filled the stage to receive their State FFA Degree. This degree signifies many things for the youth of today. It means they have developed leadership skills, kept accurate records of their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), and have been involved with local, state and national activities.
State degree awards were given to (l-r): Tyler Reestman, Linsey Bode, Nathan Niewohner and Carlie Redding.
D.V.M. Chris Martinsen of Town & Country Veterinary Clinic presented the Elgin FFA Chapter a check for $2,500. Accepting the check was FFA President Linsey Bode. E-R photos
Award Winners from the FFA Awards Banquet last Tuesday night were Carlie Redding, Chapter Star in Production; Tyler Reestman, Chapter Star in Placement; Linsey Bode, CVA Excellence in Leadership and Agriculture; and Justine Meis, Star Chapter Greenhand.
Members of the 2009-2010 Officer Team are (B-R) Briane Grosserode, Grant Beckman and Caleb Pelster. (F-R) A.J. Braband, Brittany Kubert, Ashley Dittrich, Justine Meis and Advisor Mr. Simpson.