Year in Review: January-June 2024

Here’s a look back at the happenings which shaped and defined the first six months of 2024 in and around Elgin.


New water meters are ready to be installed here in Elgin. City Clerk Kristin Childers said city residents will be contacted by Sue Vanis to schedule a time for employees of Rutjens Construction to come and install a new meter in your house.

On Thursday, January 11, Pope John XXIII Central Catholic held their National Honor Society Induction mass. Five new members were inducted by sponsor, Amy Klein and principal, Lisa Schumacher. New members are Jovie Borer, Camry Kittelson, Natalie Burenheide, Aiden Klein and Reese Stuhr. 

Elgin EMTs were proud to recognize one of the largest donations so far for the Elgin Rescue Service fundraising campaign for a new ambulance and equipment. The Richard Kalvelage Gift Trust recently donated $5,000 to the campaign.  

Many enjoyed the Evening With Friends’ “Blue Tie Affair” which was held at the Elgin KC Hall. 


Wayne State College included 1,312 students on the dean’s list for exemplary academic achievement during the Fall 2023 semester. Students listed on the dean’s list are full-time undergraduate students who have achieved a GPA of 3.5 or above on a 4.0 scale for the semester. Some of these students included Jamie Dozler, Paiton Hoefer, Jackson Wemhoff, Sharon Bartak, Emily Mlnarik, Conor Ramold, and Cale Kinney.

The Wolfpack girls basketball team placed second at the Niobrara Valley Conference Girls Basketball Tournament.

Junior High band members from both Elgin Public and Pope John performed on the Stanton JH Honor Band on Saturday, February 3. The band played five songs, and was directed by Jessica Steckley of Ponca.

Retired Elgin Fire Chief Jim Kittelson was presented a canvas print commemorating his years of service to the Elgin Volunteer Fire Department. Making the presentation to Kittelson was Fire Chief Greg Henn. 

For the past three seasons, Greg Wemhoff has directed the Wolfpack football program. Three times leading the team to the state playoffs. Wemhoff has announced last week that he has decided to step down from the position. Taking over the reins of the program will be Matt Euse and Nick Heithoff as co-coaches. 

Eleven members of the Elgin FFA Chapter have earned State FFA Degrees. They were recognized Monday morning, the first day of FFA Week across the country. Earning degrees were Brenna Martinsen, Baylee Busteed and Keyera Eisenhauer, Nick Anderson, Dylon Parks, Sam Hemenway, Gage Thiessen, Blake Henn, Myles Kittelson, Steven Nelson and Dylon Lueking. 

Sam Hemenway earned a fourth place medal at the State Wrestling Tournament in Omaha. 

EPPJ earned a spot in the 2024 Girls State Basketball Tournament after beating Maywood-Hayes Center 51 to 44. 


An anonymous donor contributed $2,000 to the Elgin Ambulance fund drive in honor of Terry Henn’s many years of service. Accepting the donation were rescue unit members Vicki Miller and Dean Henn.

The Nebraska School Activities Association on Friday night formally recognized recipients for the first-ever Champions for Coaches award. Wolfpack volleyball coach Jordynn Luettel received 14 nominations for this award, many coming from team members during the 2023 volleyball season. 

The St. Boniface Spring Benefit Auction was well attended Saturday night. Numerous items were auctioned off.

Members of the Elgin High School speech team presented their pieces to the public last Monday evening at their Speech Night. 

The Pope John Crusaders speech team brought home a medal from the Class D2 State Speech Competition held Friday at Kearney High School. Jack Barlow, a senior, placed first in Humorous Prose. 

Members of the EPS Speech Team were rewarded Friday for all of the hard work they’ve put in over the last few months. The OID of Baylee Busteed, Brenna Martinsen, Chloe Henn, Callie Heithoff and Kayton Zwingman earned third place medals in their event. The Duet of Busteed and Henn also continued to do well, as they brought home the sixth place medals. 

The Elgin Community Club/Chamber of Commerce held its annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday. Due to inclement weather, the event was moved from Elgin City Park to the Knights of Columbus Hall which was packed for the event. 

The 38th Annual Pope John Development Dinner was held Sunday evening, March 24 at Werner Hall in Petersburg. Approximately 150 tickets were sold for the event. Dave Beckman served as Master of Ceremonies. 


The skies were cold and damp and the ground was wet, perfect conditions Saturday morning for Elgin firefighters and EMTs to conduct a training exercise south of town. Beginning at 8 a.m., the house was fully ablaze by 10 a.m. 

Boone County Health Center announced Monday the appointment of Anne Parks to its Foundation Board. With a rich background in banking and a deep commitment to community service, Parks brings a wealth of experience and dedication to her new role. 

First-place winners of the AMH Move it 2 Lose It Challenge were: Women’s Division – anonymous and Team Division – Christie Counts, Heather Dawson, Amy Wright and Diann Arehart. A total of 53 individuals participated in the contest, collectively losing 504 lbs. 

The Elgin FFA members were among over 7,700 who attended the Nebraska State FFA Convention.

A former graduate of Elgin High School is now serving here as postmaster. Christi Getzfred assumed the duties of postmaster at the Elgin Post Office on April 6, filling the vacancy created when Carrie Meyers accepted the role of postmaster at O’Neill. 

Two juniors from Elgin Public School will be attending Cornhusker Boys’ State this summer in Lincoln. Legion Commander Gary Hoefer announced last week that Austin Hinkle and Taylor Beckman have been selected to attend the annual event. 

Juniors, seniors and their dates danced the night away at the EPS/PJCC Prom at the KC Hall in Elgin. The theme of the prom was “Enchanted Forest.”


EPS math instructor Becky Lindgren along with four other teachers from across the state were recognized as recipients of the Touchdowns For Teachers Award. 

Pope John students took to the stage over the weekend to perform “The Wizard of Oz.” Lead characters were Gavin Kallhoff as the Cowardly Lion, Aiden Klein as the Tin Man, Jack Barlow played the role of the Scarecrow and Tessa Barlow was Dorothy. 

Members of the Young N Lively Club invited kindergartners from Elgin Public and St. Boniface elementary schools to join them at the park last Thursday. The occasion was the annual observance of Arbor Day and the club’s planting of a tree, usually in the Elgin City Park. 

The 57th annual Elgin FFA Banquet was held Monday night. New officers for the 2024/25 school year were announced. They are Kylee Lichtenberg, Taylor Beckman, Kyndal Busteed, Sara Bode, Callie Heithoff, Isaac Hemenway, Natalie Burenheide and Gemma Miller. 

Antelope County Healthcare Foundation donated $7,500 to the Elgin Rescue Service for the purchase of a new ambulance. Funds came from the annual golf tournament that the Foundation holds every July to support the healthcare needs of all of Antelope County. 

On a day set aside to honor mothers, Pope John awarded diplomas to the ‘Class of 2024.’ Speaking on behalf of the class was Jack Barlow. 

Thirteen seniors were awarded diplomas during commencement ceremonies Saturday at Elgin Public Schools. In a ceremony which lasted close to an hour there was applause and tears as seniors, parents, family and friends celebrated this long-awaited day. 

Boone County Health Centers (BCHC) announced last week Courtney Schindler, RT, as the esteemed recipient of the Caring Kind award presented by the Nebraska Hospital Association (NHA). This prestigious accolade underscores Schindler’s exceptional commitment to patient care, and her outstanding contributions as a respiratory therapist. 

A large gathering of veterans, their family members and others turned out Monday morning for the Memorial Day program. Joe Seier and other veterans honored the dead with a 21-gun salute.

More than 150 alumni and guests attended Saturday night’s Elgin High School Banquet. The occasion was special in that it was the 150th year of School District #18 and the high school building is 100 years old this year. 


An Elgin native and a 2015 graduate of Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School, Fr. Zachary Eischeid received his Ordination to the Holy Priesthood this Saturday in Omaha.

Lordemann Insurance has been sold to Megan Beckman. It’s new name is 118 Insurance.

Friday was Flag Day and a ceremony was held at the Elgin Public Library. Legion Commander Gary Hoefer and others spoke at the event. 

There was a farewell potluck dinner held at the Elgin Knights of Columbus Hall for Fr. Joseph Sund.

Father Frank Baumert has been assigned as senior associate pastor at our churches.