By Kate Sullivan
District #41 State Senator
Many landowners breathed a sigh of relief March 30 when the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources issued their final determination that the Lower Platte River Basin is not fully appropriated.
According to Director Brian Dunnigan, the preliminary determination was overturned based on new information and evidence presented to the agency during a series of hearings held in February and March. The agency’s preliminary determination was based on the U.S. Geological Survey’s Elkhorn Loup Model study. Incorrect information was discovered in the study which resulted in the incorrect calculation of water use.
I’m pleased that, when confronted with errors in the science used for their preliminary determination, the Department of Natural Resources corrected the calculations and quickly reversed the over-appropriated designation for the Lower Platte River Basin.
Now, the Legislature has taken a step towards eliminating a potential explosion of new water uses with the passage of LB 483. This bill provides procedures for issuing water well permits in a river basin when there has been a reversal of a preliminary determination as fully appropriated. NRD’s will be given 120 days to develop rules and regulations for prioritization and granting of water well permits for the next four years. LB 483 is intended to help NRD’s maintain the status of not fully appropriated in river basins.
The Ground Water Management and Protection Act requires the Department to evaluate water availability on an annual basis so this ‘situation’ will be revisited at year’s end.
The Oil Pipeline
Constituents had told me of their concern about the oil pipeline which will eventually pass through four counties in the northern part of District 41. It’s always nice to know one’s voice is being heard – that’s why I was pleased that the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline, in response to my direct request, held an information meeting in Spalding this week. TransCanada’s land management team discussed the project and answered questions from landowners and members of the public. The meeting was well-attended by folks from around the area but not so large that people didn’t get a chance to ask questions about their specific concerns.
If you’d like additional information on the project, visit the project website at:\keystone. A landowner information line has also been established. The number is (866) 585-7063. General Project information is available at (866) 717 -7473.
Nebraska FFA Convention in Lincoln
Membership in FFA is growing nationwide and Nebraska is contributing to that growth. According to Nebraska FFA executive director Donelle Johnson, Nebraska has 6500 members and 134 chapters. The Nebraska FFA Convention was held in Lincoln this week from April 1 – 3.
I enjoyed breakfast with many FFA members from District 41 on April 1. St. Paul and North Loup Scotia FFA members stopped by my Capitol office for a visit. These kids are a joy to be around and give me a lot of hope about the future leadership in our state.
Many students, teachers and parents have written in support of LB 476 which creates the Center for Student Leadership and Extended Learning Act and provides state support for the Center within the State Department of Education. The Center would provide ongoing financial and administrative support for state leadership and administration of Nebraska career education student organizations including FFA, FBLA, FCCLA, DECA, SkillsUSA, and HOSA. The center would also create and coordinate opportunities for students to participate in educational activities outside the normal classroom, and partner with state and local organizations to share research with schools and community organizations.
I am a co-sponsor of LB 476 because I believe in the value of these student organizations as part of the educational process. The Education Committee plans to take up advancement of the bill early next week now that a compromise has been reached on the cost of the program. I’m looking forward to talking about FFA and the other student organizations in support of LB 476 during floor debate.
Contact Information
If you have questions regarding this newsletter, legislation or state issues, please call my legislative office at (402) 471-2631. My mailing address is: P.O. Box 94604, Lincoln, NE 68509. You may send email to Please include your full name and mailing address in your message. Share your comments and ask your questions and be sure to identify yourself as a constituent so that we can respond to you.
As always, if you’re in Lincoln before June 5, please stop by the Capitol to see your Nebraska Legislature at work.