If viewed on any site other than The Elgin Review, this is an unauthorized use of Elgin Review content. All Elgin Review content is copyrighted.
YOUR ONLY conservative choice for the district — www.brookcurtiss.com — Paid for by Nebraskans for Brook Curtiss, P.O. Box 141, Plainview, NE 68769. 49c
WANTED: GRAIN and rock hauling needs. Beckman Lumber, Inc. 402-843-2131. 14tfc
HELP WANTED: Tilden Community Hospital has an immediate opening for part time housekeeping/dietary position. Contact Kyndra or Phyllis at 368-5343. 49-50c
HELP WANTED: Bookkeeper/sales position. 32 hours/week. Quickbook knowledge a plus. Send resumes to PO Box 359, Elgin, NE 68636. 49tfn
JOB OPENING: NURSING COORDINATOR, (Unit Clerk): Will consider LPN or CNA. Customer Service and Computer Skills required. Three – four days per week, (Approx 30 hours), every third weekend. Competitive wage and benefits. Contact HR or send resume: Antelope Memorial Hospital, Box 229, Neligh, 68756, mschwager@amhne.org, 402-887-6217, Fax 887-4092 EOE 49-50c
HELP WANTED: Experienced frame / finish carpenters, will pay top dollar, call 402-340-0146. 48tfn
FULL TIME positions available for Shop Mechanic, Pen Rider and General Farm Help. Health and other benefits available, Niewohner Feedlot, Elgin 402-843-5671. 44tfn
BARTENDERS/WAITRESSES wanted. Call Tom at 402-843-2167 or apply at The Steel Steed Steakhouse & Saloon, Elgin. 32tfn
FOR SALE: The second printing of Young N Lively cookbooks has arrived! Copies are $20 (includes tax: add $5 per book to have mailed to you) and are available at the Elgin Pharmacy, Total Image Salon & Spa, the Elgin Review or by contacting chairperson Michele Reicks at 402-843-5440. 33c
PASSPORT PHOTOS: Official U.S. and foreign passport and Visa photos available here. Available in under ten minutes. $10 plus tax. Appointments highly recommended. The Elgin Review, 116 South 2nd St, Elgin NE. 402-843-5500. 1tfn
CALL US for fresh flowers, plants, balloon bouquets. Will deliver to Elgin. Flower Corner, 402-887-4441 or 1-800-590-2384. 1tfc
PETERSBURG COUNTRY Cottages, Petersburg, has several apartments for rent, with attached garage. Appliances included. Snow removal and trash collection provided. Income and age (55 and up) guidelines apply. Call 402-386-5551. 49 & 51c
FOR RENT: Smith’s Storage Buildings, Elgin. Clean, dry and secure. Sizes 8’ x 16’ and up to 12’ x 24’. Prices start at $28/month. Contact Lee or Marie Smith. 402-843-2391. 1tfc
The Elgin EMTs would like to thank all the golfers for helping make the 14th annual Golf Tournament a success. Without you golfing we would not be able to hold the tournament. Thank you to the sponsors: GOLD STAR: Antelope Memorial Hospital, Bank of Elgin, Beckman Lumber, Central Valley Ag, Dean’s Market and Jonny Dodge Chrysler Jeep. SILVER STAR: Elgin Insurance Service, Elgin One Stop & Sleepin Inn, Elgin Pharmacy, Elgin Review, Huffman-Levander Funeral Home, Insurance Mart, Sapp Bros Inc., Elgin Appliance & More, Niewohner Bros and The Station-Ray and Peggy Payne. Thank you to Boone/Antelope Insurance, Dean’s Market, Central Valley Ag, Jessie & Ryan Reestman, Producers Hybrids and Town & Country Veterinary Clinic for donating the door and flag prizes.Thank you to the teams of Dave Sullivan, Cargill, Ron Bode, Mike Schmitt, Greg Henn and Stan Heithoff for your donations.
If viewed on any site other than The Elgin Review, this is an unauthorized use of Elgin Review content. All Elgin Review content is copyrighted.