SERVING EITHER Rib Steak or Prime Rib every Monday 6 pm – 9 pm. $10.95. Knotty Pine, 402-386-5488, Petersburg, NE. 1tfc
HELP WANTED: Experienced carpenter. Call 402-340-0146. 46-47c
WANTED: DIETARY Aide/Cook: Position requires ability to do quantity cooking. Must work various shifts including 5:30 a.m. and every other weekend. Competitive pay and benefits. Mary Schwager, HR Director, Antelope Memorial Hospital, Box 229, Neligh, NE 68756, 887-6217, mschwager@amhne.org. EOE 46c
CLINIC BILLING Clerk: Generally M-F in Neligh Clinic, occasionally fill in for receptionist and cover Saturday mornings, may travel to outreach clinics. Experience in medical billing preferred. Competitive pay and benefits. Mary Schwager, HR Director, Antelope Memorial Hospital, Box 229, Neligh, NE 68756, 887-6217, mschwager@amhne.org. EOE 45-46c
TAKING APPLICATIONS for a part-time waitress for mainly weekends. Must be at least 19 years old. Apply at the L Bar B or call 485-2525 and ask for Francis. 41tfc
NOW HIRING: Full time position available for a Farm Mechanic. Niewohner Bros. Feedlot, Elgin, NE. Call 402-843-5671. 20tfc
HELP WANTED: Personnel to work with livestock; must have experience in checking, treating, processing and moving cattle. Competitive wages and benefits. 402-843-5671. 28tfn
HELP WANTED: Experienced feedlot and farm help needed. CDL required. Call Oak Creek Ranch at 402-843-2451. 29tfn
PASSPORT PHOTOS: Official U.S. and foreign passport and Visa photos available here. Available in under ten minutes. $10 for two images. The Elgin Review, 116 South 2nd St, Elgin NE. 402-843-5500. 1tfn
CALL US for fresh flowers, plants, balloon bouquets. Will deliver to Elgin. Flower Corner, 402-887-4441 or 1-800-590-2384. 1tfc
UPS SHIPPING: Jerry’s Feed Service, Elgin, ships UPS packages Monday thru Friday. Full UPS services. 1tfc
PETERSBURG COUNTRY Cottages, Petersburg, has an apartment for rent, with attached garage. Appliances included. Lawn care, snow removal and refuse collection provided. Income and age (55 and up) guidelines apply. Call 402-386-5551. 46-47c
FOR RENT: “U” store units – 12’x22’, $45/month; 11’x12’, $30 per month. Call 402-843-2319. 1tfc
FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartment at Village Homes Apartments, Clearwater. Rental assistance available. Call 402-485-2343. 1tfc
FOR RENT: Smith’s Storage buildings, Elgin. Clean, dry and secure. Sizes 8’ x 16’ and up to 12’ x 24’. Prices start at $28/month. Contact Lee or Marie Smith. 402-843-2391. 1tfc
A big “Thank You” for the well wishes, food, calls, flowers and stops at the house from my little surgery.
Clara Kamphaus
Thank you to everyone that made it here for the evening meal last week! It is really great when that many people come. And thank you to the Tune Tappers for playing for us. We always enjoy it when they are here. Thank you to the board members for putting together the salad bar. Everything was very, very good! I think the “Name That Tune” game brought some good laughs too. Pearl Fritz got first place, winning half of a watermelon. And Herman Starman won the free meal door prize. Thanks again everyone!
Becky Evans
Elgin Community Center
I want to thank our friends and neighbors for the cards, phone calls and food after the death of my brother.
Marie and Lee Smith
We greatly appreciate the concern shown to us during Benny’s lengthy illness and more recently I the heartfelt expressions of sympathy at his passing. Our gratitude goes out to Pastor Kuhfal and Vicar Schupe for their immediate and ongoing spiritual care. We also take much comfort in the many beautiful cards, visits, gifts of food, floral arrangements and memorials. We treasure the stories you’ve shared as well. God has truly blessed us with wonderful friends!
Tracy and Cindy Prater and family
The Elgin EMTs would like to thank all the golfers for helping make the 12th annual golf tournament a success. Without you golfing we would not be able to hold the tournament.
Thank you to the sponsors: Gold Star; Insurance Mart, Inc. Antelope Memorial Hospital, Bank of Elgin, Boone County Health Center, Central Valley Ag. Dean’s Market, , Beckman Lumber, Central Valley Ag, Elgin One Stop & Sleepin Inn, Elgin Insurance Services, Sapp Bros Petroleum Inc, Todd & Melissa Heithoff and Stars & Stripes Corner Service. Silver Star; Niewohner Brothers Inc., Elgin Pharmacy, The Elgin Review and Jerry’s Feed Service.
Thank you to Boone/Antelope Insurance, Elgin Appliance & More, Dean’s Market and Karl & Margaret Hensley for donating the door and flag prizes.
Thank you to Mark Schmitt, Mike Schmitt, Tom Reilly, Greg Henn, Tyler Reestman, Bud Miller and Dewayne Cornett for their donations.
A special thank you to Bethany Miller and Larry Braband for helping with the tournament.
The proceeds of this tournament will be used to purchase new equipment for the rescue unit.