In the year 2024, there are so many different ways to communicate yet many, especially children, are communicating less and less. It has become very easy for people to put up a “mask” and project out – through posts, chats, “tweets”, pins and whatever new method pops up tomorrow – a facade of how they want to be perceived.
Last Wednesday, Elgin Public School (EPS), with support from the Nebraska Department of Education and the North Central District Health Department, brought national speaker and author Mike Donahue, founder and director of Value Up!, based out of Kearney, Nebraska, to Elgin. That evening he spoke candidly to parents and the public with the following day, Thursday, to be spent with the students. Earlier in the day Wednesday, he spoke to teachers, faculty and staff at EPS. His topic for the assemblies was “Connecting With Your Child In This Digital Age”.
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