Proceedings — District #18 Board of Education


Regular September Meeting

Distance Learning Room, EPS

October 13, 2011, 7:25 PM

President Laurie Waterbury called the Hearing for the Board Policy 606.06, Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy to order at 7:25 PM.  The hearing was closed at 7:30 p.m. and President Waterbury called the regular October 2011 Meeting to order at that time.  Board members present were Ryan Reestman, Steve Heithoff, Kim Wells, Laurie Waterbury, Stan Heithoff and Bob Hoefer.  Also present were Superintendent Steve Dennis, Principal Adam Patrick, Megan Boyle, Amy Klein, Ashlyn DeWald, and Andrew Heithoff.  Rita Heithoff was present to photograph the school board members.

President Waterbury led the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Waterbury reminded everyone that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Law was posted in the meeting room.

School board meeting notice complied with Meeting Notice Policy #204.07.

Stan Heithoff motioned and Ryan Reestman second to approve the Consent Agenda: #5- Minutes of Regular and Special Meeting, #6- Adopt the Agenda, #7- Financial Report, #8- Board Bills. Motion carried, vote 6-0.

AMH, Transportation, $90.00; Beckman Lumber, Instru Expense, $77.80; Bureau of Education, Title Expense, $229.00; City of Elgin, Operation Plant, “$1,971.50“; Corner Service & Tire, Transportation, $77.28; Dean’s Market, Maintenance, $13.52, Instru Expense, $149.12, Instru Expense, $10.68; Eakes, Instru Expense, $43.74; ESU #1, Instru Expense, $30.00; ESU #8, “$22,897.71“; Elgin Equipment & Machine, Maintenance, $157.50; Elgin One Stop, Transportation, “$1,459.61“, Instru Expense, $23.11; Elgin Review, Business Expense, $346.91, Board Expense, $82.01, Instru Expense, $111.75; Elite Office Products, Business Expense, $484.13; Elgin Pharmacy, Nurse Expense, $9.15; Flenniken Plmbg & Htg, Maintenance, $82.50; Grand Island Physical Therapy, SpEd Expense, $81.83; Great Plains Communications, Business Expense, $312.65; Hadley-Braithwait, Maintenance, $531.30; Hank’s Front End, Transportation, $118.00; Harding & Schultz, Business Expense, $110.07; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Instru Expense, $310.06; Island Supply & Welding Co., Instru Expense, $88.90; Junior Library Guild, Instru Expense, $538.20; JW Pepper, Instru Expense, $242.98; Ken’s Band Instrument Repair, Instru Expense, $25.50; MSM Enterprises, SpEd Expense, $117.81; McGraw Hill, Instru Expense, $27.18; MARC, Maintenance, $146.23; Midwest Floor Specialists, Maintenance, $229.00; NASB, Board Expense, $165.00; NCSAttorneys, Board Expense, $140.00; Nebraska Safety Center, Transportation, $300.00; Ollis Book Corp., Library Expense, $237.44; Omaha World Herald, Library Expense, $57.42; Precision Repair, Transportation, $60.00, Reimbursement, $793.88; “Schaaf, Shannon”, SpEd Expense, $722.75, SpEd Expense, $229.50; Softchoice, Instru Expense, “$1,999.50“; The Station, Transportation, “$1,439.33“; “Vanis, Sue”, Instru Expense, $500.00; Volkman Plmbg & Htg, Maintenance, $427.13.

Total Board Bills: “$38,298.68“

October Payroll: “$176,304.98“

Total Board Bills/ Payroll: “$214,603.66“

President Waterbury recognized visitors and asked if the patrons had any comments.

There were no Correspondence or Standing Committee reports.

Principal Patrick reported on Spanish Club activities during the school year.  T-shirts are to be ordered and members can purchase them if they want.  The homecoming activities & bonfire were discussed.  He also stated that the Elgin Public-Pope John Co-op sports agreement needs to be renewed with the NSAA.

In action items, Steve Heithoff motioned and Kim Wells second to approve Board Policy 606.06, Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy.  All voted aye, motion carried.

Wells motioned and Reestman second to approve revision of Board Policy 204.06, Closed Sessions.  Vote 6-0, motion carried.

Stan Heithoff motioned and Bob Hoefer second to approve revision of Board Policy 604.04, Multicultural Education Policy.  All voted aye, motion carried

Stan Heithoff motioned and Wells second to approve the third sample policy for revision of Appendix “1” to Board Policy 502.02, Standards for Acceptance Or Rejection of Option Students For All School Terms after 2004-2005.  All voted aye, motion carried.

No action was taken on item #15 to appoint a Delegate to the NASP/NASA Delegate Assembly.

Supt. Dennis reported on the NVC, Northern Tier, and the NASB Area Membership Meeting he had attended.  He notified the board members of the state reports he has completed and those coming up.  Natural Gas pricing options are currently locked in for the 2012-13 heating season through a consortium with the ESU.  This consortium will no longer be available to us but more information on two options will be discussed in the near future.  The multicultural report and a maintenance update were given by Supt. Dennis.  He also provided information on other school’s Senior Sneak trips.  He asked the board to review policies 100’s thru 300’s.  After the review is complete he will retype corrections and print the policies to update each board book and be approved at next month’s board meeting.

Superintendent evaluation materials were distributed to members.

The next regular board meeting will be on Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 7:30 PM at the EPS Distance Learning Room.

Hoefer motioned and Reestman second to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried, vote 6-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Wells, Secretary

-This is a draft copy and does not become official Elgin Public Board minutes until approved at the next regular or advertised meeting.

Publish: October 26, 2011