Proceedings-Wheeler Central School Board

The Wheeler Central Board of Education regular meeting was held on March 14th, 2022. Chairman Kasselder called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and pointed out the location of the Open Meetings Act poster. Members present were: Swick, Freouf, Derner, Patrick, Kasselder, and Wright. Absent members: none. Others present include Rod Olson, Makayla Reiter, Andrea Pelster, Patti Jensen, Trina Pelster, Kimmie Reed, and Cara Snider.

Wright made the motion to accept the consent agenda. Freouf seconded. Roll call vote: Swick-aye, Freouf-aye, Derner-aye, Patrick-aye, Kasselder-aye, Wright-aye. Motion carries.

Amazon, ($22.25)Elementary Supply ($7.98)Secondary Supply ($26.54)Daycare ($45.74)Media Supply ($613.17)Maintenance Supply ($491.28)Tech, $1,206.96; AMG O’Neill, Transportation Labs, $150.00; Applied Connective Technology, Tech, $383.40; Barnhill Enterprises, Media Supply, $26.76; Burwell Tribune, Publishing, $315.81; Companion Corporation, Media Supply, $1,000.00; Elgin Review, Publishing, $107.19; Elite Office Products, Copier Lease, $438.18; EMC Insurance, ($6407.16)Insurance($4151)Audit, $10,558.16; ESU #8, “($5425.65)SPED ($220)Winter Workshop($140)MTSS ($1556.94)Network NE”, $7,342.59; Grocery Kart, Board Supply, $199.97; Island Supply & Welding, Shop Supply, $7.84; JW Pepper, Secondary Supply, $198.38; Ken’s Band Instrument Repair, Secondary Supply, $41.00; KSB School Law, Legal Services, $100.00; MCI, Phone Service, $54.56; Mead, Brad, Transportation Consult, $1,200.00; Nebraska Association of School Boards, Board Supply, $2,552.00; Nebraska Department of Education, Instructional Misc., $60.00; Nebraskaland, Media Supply, $46.42; NECC, Secondary Supply, $55.00; NNTC, Phone Service, $291.05; Omaha World Herald, Media Supply, $173.99; Paper Tiger Shredding, Office Supply, $45.00; Plugge’s Rod Shop, Transportation Repairs, $343.90; Quill, Office Supply, $378.78; Rasmussen Mechanical Services, Boiler Repair, $1,607.51; Sack Lumber, Maintenance Supply, $752.73; Sanderson, Susan, ($97.11)Mileage ($210)Instructional Misc., $307.11; Sapp Bros, Heating LP, $4,074.05; Skorcz, Sara, Instructional Misc., $15.00; Smith, Rudy, Mileage, $43.88; State of Nebraska, ($1437.92)OCIO Billing, $1,437.92; TMS , Time Clock System, $435.75; Torpin’s Rodeo Market, Elementary Supply, $20.51; Toshiba, Copier Lease, $315.00; Valley Co. Health, Transportation Labs, $53.00; Viaero, Phone Service, $146.70; We Mart, ($111.78)Fuel ($4046.76)Bus, $4,158.54; Wells Fargo, March Lease, $6,613.00

TOTAL: $47,257.64

Kasselder opened the meeting by welcoming visitors.

Kasselder requested staff reports at this time. No report was given.

Mr. Olson gave the Principal and Superintendent report. Olson noted the Boy’s District Final basketball game that was hosted in February. Track has started and is off to a good start with the first meet being held this week. Wheeler Central had two students qualify for State Speech. Olson reported two events that will be happening in the following week, NVC Band and the Northern Tier Enrichment Day. Olson noted the 3rd quarter just ended, so grades will be going out.

Mr. Olson also gave the report for maintenance. Olson stated minor repair work has been done to the boilers. Bids for concrete work around the school grounds are still being gathered. Olson commented on the painting, flooring, siding, plumbing, and progress of the windows on the Superintendent’s house. Olson also reported on the progress of the convection oven and sink for the kitchen.

Trina Pelster gave the transportation report. Bus evacuation drills will be held this week. PBIS for transportation was introduced to the students. Pelster noted the repairs that have been made to buses. Discussion was held during this time about purchasing front bumper guards for 3 route buses.

The Board report was given next. Patrick talked briefly about the Americanism presentation members attended.

Discussion was held at this time about a new cafeteria refrigerator.

Patrick made the motion to offer contracts to all current certified staff. Exceptions to this include those individuals already offered a contract, those that have resigned, or received notice on nonrenewal. Motion was seconded by Wright. Roll call vote: Swick-aye, Freouf-aye, Derner-aye, Patrick-aye, Kasselder-aye, Wright-aye. Motion carries.

Brief discussion was held on distant learning for Spanish.

Discussion was held at this time to offer contracts to all transportation staff currently employed by the Wheeler Central School District.

As a representative from the Wheeler Central Teammates program, Cara Snider led discussion on the request of transportation for the Nebraska Spring Game. Wright made the motion to provide this transportation to and from the Spring Game. Swick seconded. Roll call vote: Swick-aye, Freouf-aye, Derner-aye, Patrick-aye, Kasselder-aye, Wright-aye. Motion carries.

Discussion was held about distribution of funds from hosting the D-2 Boys’ Basketball District Game.

Discussion was held on future rates for the lunch program.

An increase in current daycare rates was discussed next. Motion to raise the rates to $35 for full-time/all day, $25 for families qualified for reduced-price lunches, and $20 for families qualified for free lunches was made by Derner. Seconded by Freouf. Roll call vote: Swick-aye, Freouf-aye, Derner-aye, Patrick-aye, Kasselder-aye, Wright-aye. Motion carries.

Discussion was held on the revision of the daycare handbook.

Patrick made the motion to accept the Preschool Handbook as it is. Seconded by Derner. Roll call vote: Swick-aye, Freouf-aye, Derner-aye, Patrick-aye, Kasselder-aye, Wright-aye. Motion carries.

Discussion on the 2022-2023 school calendar was held at this time.

Discussion was held noting the school’s current protocols and recommendations from the CDC. Schools are required to review Covid-19 protocols periodically and post any changes made. Wright made the motion to adopt the most current CDC guidelines and to adjust accordingly when needed. Patrick seconded. Roll call vote: Swick-aye, Freouf-aye, Derner-aye, Patrick-aye, Kasselder-aye, Wright-aye. Motion carries.

Wright made a motion to enter executive session at 8:42 p.m. Seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Swick-aye, Freouf-aye, Derner-aye, Patrick-aye, Kasselder-aye, Wright-aye. Motion carries.

Wright made the motion to end executive session to protect personal and identifiable information. Seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Swick-aye, Freouf-aye, Derner-aye, Patrick-aye, Kasselder-aye, Wright-aye. Motion carries.

Motion to adjourn the regular meeting was made by Patrick and seconded by Derner. Roll call vote: Swick-aye, Freouf-aye, Derner-aye, Patrick-aye, Kasselder-aye, Wright-aye. Motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

PUBLISH: March 23, 2022