December School
Board Meeting
December 13th, 2021
The Wheeler Central Board of Education regular meeting was held on December 13th, 2021. Chairman Patrick called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. She pointed out the location of the Open Meetings Poster. Members present were: Patrick, Kasselder, Freouf, Swick, Wright, Derner, Olson and recording secretary Wagner. Absent: None. Others present were Trina Pelster, Kimmie Reed. Freouf made the motion to accept the November minutes and December consent agenda excluding the Nebraka Central Equipment claim, Swick seconded. Roll call vote: Patrick aye, Wright aye, Kasselder aye, Derner aye, Freouf aye, Swick aye.
Abdo, 1761.7, Media Supply; Alder Plumbing LLC, 350, Portable Restroom Rent; Applied Connective Technology, 285, Service Call; Barnhill, 66.5, Secondary Supply; Central Nebraska Rehabilitation, 210.61, SPED; Company Care, 37, Drug Test; Ebsco, 430.69, Periodical Subscription; Elite Office Products, 401.41, Copier Lease; EMC Insurance, 6506, Insurance; Environmental Protection Services, 1000, Cathodic Protection System; ESU #8, 13448.5, (13338.50)SPED (20)Professional Development (110)MAP Testing; ESU Coordinating Council, 6000, Powerschool Membership; Follett, 383.14, Media Supply; Guggenmos, Kelly, 116.08 (116.08), Shop Supply; Hiatt School Review Safety, 250, Safety Review; Hillyard, 1274.6, Maintenance Supply; Honorbound IT, 398.12, Network; Island Supply & Welding, 299.59, Shop Supply; Jostens, 48.59, Secondary Supply; JW Pepper, 77.97, Secondary Supply; KSB School Law, 1495, Legal Services; Lammers Abel & Kaps, 6145, AFR; MCI, 15.8, Phone Service; Mead, Brad, 1200, Transportation Consult; Nebraska Central Equipment, 522.6, Transportation Lease; Nebraska Safety Center, 400, Transportation Class; Nebraska State Fire Marshal, 72, Boiler Inspection; Nebraska State Fire Marshal, 240, Fuel Storage Registration; NNTC, 295.59, Phone Service; Nordhues Family, 500, Grounds Maintenance; ONeill Electric Motor Service, 395.5, Service; One Source, 300, Background Checks; Paper Tiger Shredding, 45, Shred Service; Quill, 407.88, Office Supply; Plugge, Roy, 850, Skidster Rental; Ramsey Ranch Supply, 25.98, Maintenance Supply; Torpin’s Rodeo Market, 219.59, Elementary Supply; Sapp Bros, 2721.18, Heating LP; School Board Support Services, 1800, Salary Research Services; Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates, 76, College Visit Meal; State of Nebraska, 718.96, OCIO Billing; Student Assurance Services, 500, Catastrophic Coverage; SyncB/Amazon, 2160.02 (2099.12), Maint (47.92), Media, (12.98), Elementary; Thorin, Julie, 125, Kitchen Help; TMS, 36.36, Time Clock System; Toshiba, 335, Copier Lease; Valley County Health System, 46, Lab; Viaero, 52.05, Phone Service; Wadas, 519.8, Service Call; We Mart, 3205.24, (216.16), Fuel, (2989.08), Bus; Wells Fargo, 6000, Lease
TOTAL 58771.05
Patrick opened the meeting by welcoming visitors.
7-12 Principal report by Mr. Olson. Mr. Olson made the note that homecoming events went well. As we are nearing the end of the first semester students are working on finishing up work and teachers are following up with student’s on the Down’s List about missing sports practices. It was noted that there needed to be more communication between the student’s that need to make up time and/or work and the coaches, AD’s and bus drivers. It was noted that the Christmas program will be taking place this upcoming Friday. Mr. Olson was happy to report that Friday morning group pledge had resumed with the K-6 grades. It was reported that the third grade had good success with cookie sales with the help of the FFA, the class will be taking their proceeds and purchasing gifts for those in need. Kimmie Reed reported to the board about a visit to the student body from local falcon hunter, Ralph Rogers. It was also noted that the 7-12 grades attended an assembly in Elgin last week. In closing, Mr. Olson reported that he spoke with FEMA about a program to cover the school’s buildings in the event of large natural disaster.
Maintenance Report by Mr. Olson. Mr. Olson reported that the company out of Kearney would be coming out to handle maintenance on the boiler system. It was noted that Rudy provided a list to the board that were needed for completion on the garden-level facility by Nordhues Construction to complete that project. It was also reported that windows should be coming in soon for the superintendent’s house. Additionally, painting bids had been received for the house and flooring has been ordered.
Transportation Report by Trina Pelster. Trina reported that new surveillance cameras have been installed in the buses and are working very well. It was noted that regular maintenance will be done on all buses over the holiday break. There was note that transportion routes will need to be rearranged to accommodate new students. It was reported that the district is still in need of an additional route driver. Dennis Derner had a question on van capacity and limits.
Accept the resignation of business manager. Derner made the motion to accept Bethany Wagner’s resignation as business manager, Wright seconded. Roll call: Patrick aye, Wright aye, Kasselder aye, Derner aye, Freouf aye, Swick aye.
Bus contract action. Freouf made the motion to accept the Central Nebraska Equipment and Wells Fargo transportation contracts as presented, which includes further clarification and coverage of warranty for leased vehicles with Central NE Equipment and that Wheeler Central will guarantee Wells Fargo favorable tax benefits associated with e the lease. Derner seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Patrick aye, Wright aye, Kasselder aye, Derner aye, Freouf aye, Swick aye.
Review and update on ESSER III fund use. Mr. Olson reported that the fire marshal had been out to complete inspection and provide clearance on the proposed plans for the shop area. Additionally, it has been confirmed that with recent updates with Loup Valley Power to the school grounds there will be no further updates necessary to provide sufficient power to the new shop addition. Mr. Olson will continue to provide updates on the project.
Wright provided an update to the board on the details of the negotiated agreement between the WCEA and the board. Freouf made the motion to accept the proposed 2-year contracted negotiations and pay ($36,400 for the 2022-23 year, $37,200 for the 2023-24 year; sick leave reimbursement; long-term disability; in-house sub pay), Derner seconded. Roll call: Patrick aye, Wright aye, Kasselder aye, Derner aye, Freouf aye, Swick aye.
At this time Jay Wolf, Steve ,Marilyn Mignery, and Zac Wright joined the meeting. There was discussion on the development and updates with the Nebraska Community Foundation, Wheeler County Foundation and Cedar River Rascals Daycare.
Sale of used bus with possible replacement. Mr. Olson reported that with no sealed bids received on the used bus that the next option may be to swap it out for a newer bus.
Request of local substitute certificate for Zane Patick, Brenden Pelster and Kaylee Martinsen. Swick made the motion to accept the local sub requests, Kasselder seconded. Roll call: Patrick aye, Wright aye, Kasselder aye, Derner aye, Freouf aye, Swick aye.
Change in school lunch milk vendor. The school’s current milk supplier has had to adjust their routes and the district will no longer be within their coverage area. As more information from other suppliers is provided Mr. Olson will provide updates.
FFA/Student Council request for food drive early dismissal. As with prior years the FFA and student council are requesting an early dismissal of Monday, December 20th rather than Tuesday, December 21st if their food drive goal of 500 food items is met. Kasselder made the motion to accept the request, Wright seconded. Roll call vote: Patrick aye, Wright aye, Kasselder aye, Derner aye, Freouf aye, Swick aye.
Board members held discussion on next month’s meeting. There was agreement to move the time of the meeting from 7 pm to 5 pm.
Derner made the motion to adjourn, Swick seconded. All in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m. Next regular meeting will be January 10th at 5:00 p.m.
PUBLISH: January 19, 2022