Regular Meeting
EPS Board Room
November 14, 2023 6:30 p.m.
President Lisa Welding called the regular November Meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Board members present were Eric Beckman, Luke Hinkle, Ron Bode, Steve Busteed, Todd Heithoff and Lisa Welding. Also present was Superintendent Mike Brockhaus.
President Welding led the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Welding reminded everyone that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Law was posted in the meeting room.
School board meeting notice complied with Meeting Notice Policy #204.07. Posting was done on the High School building window and post office bulletin board.
Luke Hinkle motioned and Todd Heithoff second to approve the Consent Agenda: #5-Minutes of Regular Meeting, #6-Adopt the Agenda, #7-Financial Report, #8-Board Bills. Motion carried, Vote 5-0.
Appeara, Maintenance, $504.10; Beckman Lumber, Instru Expense, $265.10; Black Hills Energy, Maintenance, $1,354.08; Bomgaars, Maintenance, $157.92; Central NE Rehab, SpEd Expense, $1,191.13, SpEd Expense, $2,158.86; CEV Multimedia, LLC, Instru Expense, $1,500.00; City of Elgin, Maintenance, $3,851.03; COR Therapeutic, Title IV Expense, $3,150.00; Cordell’s ATV Repair, Maintenance, $33.75; Corner Service & Tire, Transportation, $275.30; DakTech, ESSER III, $10,099.00; Dana Cole & Co., Business Expense, $2,240.00; Dean’s Market, Maintenance, $75.96, Instru Expense, $35.74; Eakes, Maintenance, $645.45; ESU #7, Instru Expense, $80.00, Title IIA Expense, $20.00; ESU #8, SpEd Expense, $44,908.20, Instru Expense, $548.50, Instru Expense, $500.00, Instru Expense, $1,428.78; Elgin Hardware, Maintenance, $473.12, Instru Expense, $140.30; Elgin One Stop, Transportation, $1,359.06; Elgin Review, Board Expense, $69.39; Elite Office Products, Business Expense, $621.70; Elkhorn RPPD, Maintenance, $2,851.71; Environmental Services, Maintenance, $297.04; Floor Maintenance & Supply, Maintenance, $350.46; GP Communications, Business Expense, $396.39; Growing Leaders, Instru Expense, $638.90; Graham Tire, Transportation, $2,342.59; HF Group, Business Expense, $96.50; Hometown Station, Transportation, $2,142.43; Insight Enterprises (8 to Great), Instru Expense, $358.00; Iburg, Sherri, SpEd Expense, $125.76; Island Supply, Instru Expense, $109.12; Jonny Dodge, Transportation, $2,046.68; JourneyEd, ESSER III, $1,492.14; Kayton International, Maintenance, $77.14; Koinzan Enterprises, Maintenance, $589.03; K&T Central Plains Plumbing, Maintenance, $304.81 MARC, Maintenance, $888.80; MSM, SpEd Expense, $219.17, SpEd Expense, $221.74; Murray, Dennis, Maintenance, $90.53; Olson’s Pest Technicians, Maintenance, $161.40; One Source Background, Business Expense, $78.50; Overland Rehab, SpEd Expense, $1,259.65, SpEd Expense, $609.64; Precision Repair, Transportation, $79.60; Principal Life Insurance Co., Business Expense, $89.69; Protex Central, Maintenance, $750.00; Schneider, Jill, SpEd Expense, $131.00; School Specialty, Instru Expense, $295.19, High Ability Learners, $399.00; TMS, Business Expense, $69.00; Turnitin, Instru Expense, $1,680.00; US Bank, $2,233.27; Veik, Meghan, SpEd Expense, $55.02; Verizon Business, Business Expense, $290.36; Verizon Wireless, Business Expense, $240.97; WageWorks, Instru Expense, $155.00; Wells Fargo, $43.70; Wemhoff, Ron, Business Expense, $355.91; Winners’ Circle, Business Expense, $48.90; Y&Y Lawn Service, Maintenance, $330.00
Total Board Bills: $102,681.21
Payroll: $257,681.67
Total Board Bills/ Payroll: $360,362.88
President Welding recognized visitors and asked if the patrons had any comments.
In committee reports, negotiations committee met with the teachers twice so far and the Wolfpack co-op met this month. They discussed the uniform rotation. The football uniforms are up for replacement they will be ordered at the beginning of the year. The gym rotation was also discussed.
Todd and Lisa met with Mr. Brockhaus to go over his yearly evaluation as per Policy #302.05. Negotiations committee will follow up with him and in December we will go over his contract.
In the absence of Principal Wemhoff, Mr. Brockhaus gave a summary of the fall activities and upcoming winter activities.
In the Supt. report, Mr. Brockhaus reported on an update on the Niobrara Valley Conference and possibly Ainsworth being added. Gave a reminder on the possibility of shot clocks for basketball. He also reviewed the board goals and reminded everyone in December we will go over the Board members self-evaluation. Also discussed needing to remove 3 or 4 trees down around the football field.
In action items, Todd Heithoff motioned and Ron Bode second to accept the 2022-23 audit by Dana F. Cole & Company.
Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Ron Bode motioned and Eric Beckman seconded to approve 6 year Math Curriculum Digital/Print Materials purchase from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company $27,382.32. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Steve Busteed motioned and Eric Beckman seconded to approve a 3 year HVAC service agreement with Rasmussen’s. 1st year for $9,010.00, 2nd year for $9,281.00, and 3rd year for $9,551.00. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Heithoff motioned and Hinkle seconded to approve purchase of four technological switches from Summerland School for $2,800.00. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
The next regular board meeting will be on Wed. December 13, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. at the EPS Board Room.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bode and seconded by Busteed. Vote taken was 6-0, motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted.
Ron Bode, Secretary
Jessica Niewohner, Recorder
-This is a draft copy and does not become official Elgin Public Board minutes until approved at the next regular or advertised meeting.
PUBLISH: November 22, 2023