September Meeting
September 11, 2023
The Wheeler Central Board of Education Regular Board Meeting was held September 11, 2023. Chairperson Kasselder called the meeting to order at 8:58 p.m. and pointed out the location of the Open Meetings Act poster. The roll was called with the following present: Zach Wright, Drew Kasselder, Adam Freouf, Dennis Derner, Jessie Swick, and Andrew Smith. Absent: None. Also present were Dan Kluver and Makayla Reiter.
Smith made the motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Seconded by Wright. Roll call vote: Wright- aye, Kasselder – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Swick – aye, Smith – aye. Motion carried.
AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, Tech Supply, $1,922.15; AMG O’NEILL, Transportation Labs, $150.00; APPLIED CONNECTIVE TECHNOLOGIES, Tech Support, $520.00; BURWELL TRIBUNE, Publishing, $373.96; EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT # 8, Elementary Supply, $1,496.78; ELGIN REVIEW, Publishing, $530.41; ELITE OFFICE PRODUCTS, Copier Lease, $291.92; GoGuardian, Implementation Device Deployment, $4,570.40; HONORBOUND IT, Network Support, $300.00; HUBEL WELDING & IRON, Secondary Supply, $140.60; ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO, Secondary Supply, $38.08; LEARNING A-Z, Elementary Supply, $117.00; MCI, Phone Service, $57.01; MIDWEST BUS REPAIR, Transportation Repairs, $743.30; NASB ALICAP, Insurance, $62,938.00; NORDHUES FAMILY, August Mowing Service, $450.00; NORFOLK DAILY NEWS, Media Supply, $195.00; NORTHEAST COMM. COLLEGE, Employee Trainings, $198.00; NORTHEAST NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO, Phone Service, $293.99; O’NEILL ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE, Maintenance Repair, $356.10; ONE SOURCE, District Supply, $81.00; PEOPLE’S SERVICE, Transportation Repairs, $2,526.00; PLUGGE’S ROD SHOP, Transportation Repair, $303.66; QUILL, Elementary Supply, $1,074.75; RODEO MARKET, Early Childhood Supply, $241.01; RSR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, LLC, Maintenance Repair, $322.02; SCHOOL SPECIALTY, Secondary Supply, $65.44; SPELICS MARKET, District Supply, $99.13; TIME MANAGEMENENT SYSTEMS, INC., Time Clock Service, $35.00; TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES, Copier Lease, $335.00; VILLAGE OF BARTLETT, Maintenance Repair, $901.76; W E MART, Maintenance Fuel, $2,571.63; WELLS FARGO EQUIPMENT FINANCE INC., Transportation Lease, $6,613.00; WESTERN CARTOGRAPHERS, District Supply, $205.00
TOTAL $91,057.10
Payroll $249,254.71
Chairperson Kasselder welcomed the visitors and opened the floor for public comment. Public comment was held at this time.
Dawn Erickson gave an update on MAP testing during the staff report. During the maintenance report, an update was given on the sidewalk project. During the Transportation report, an update was given on bus routes starting to fill up and several drivers are currently looking to upgrade their licenses to bigger buses.
Reiter gave the Principal report. She re-stated that MAP testing was going well and also that it had been moved up a month from last year to better capture metrics. Acadience testing had also been completed. The speaker that came to the school last month was received well by the students and brought a good message. Homecoming is coming at the end of September also the dual FB/VB championship in 2003 teams were being honored as well. One of the part time custodians had been replaced with no gap in custodial service this month.
During the Superintendent report, Kluver reported on NVC discussions to add new schools to the conference. Also that the Americanism Committee will meet before the October meeting to have a presentation on Americanism in our school. He also reported that all budget documents had been submitted.
During Board reports it was heard that there had been some communication gaps with athletics and practice times/changes from the CWC teams. Chairperson Kasselder took an action to bring it up in the joint CWC sub-committee. A report was also given on the fence update in the elementary playground and that bids to update it are being sought out.
Smith made a motion to adopt the resolution, as presented, to increase the schools district’s base growth percentage used to determine the school district’s property tax request authority by 7%. Seconded by Wright. Roll call vote: Wright- aye, Kasselder – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Swick – aye, Smith – aye. Motion carried.
The Safe Return plan was presented. Wright made a motion to adopt the 2023-2024 Safe Return Plan as presented. Seconded by Freouf. Roll call vote: Wright- aye, Kasselder – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Swick – aye, Smith – aye. Motion carried.
Form WH-381 was presented as recommended by KSB Law for use in FMLA purposes. Swick made a motion to adopt the Form WH-381 for use as FMLA form. Seconded by Wright. Roll call vote: Wright- aye, Kasselder – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Swick – aye, Smith – aye. Motion carried.
Smith made a motion to approve the sale or disposal of the iPhone 6 (2014), iPhone SE (2020), and various car seats that are no longer needed for the district. Seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Wright- aye, Kasselder – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Swick – aye, Smith – aye. Motion carried.
Swick made a motion to approve policies 6000, 6001, 6002, 6003, 6004, 6005, 6006, 6007, 6009, 6010, 6011,6012, 6013, 6014, 6015, 6016, 6017, 6018, 6020, 6021, 6025, 6026, 6027, 6028, 6029, 6030, 6031, 6032, 6033, 6034, 6035, 6036, 6038, 3059, and 5045 as presented. Seconded by Derner. Roll call vote: Wright- aye, Kasselder – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Swick – aye, Smith – aye. Motion carried.
Smith made a motion to delete policy 5063. Seconded by Wright. Roll call vote: Wright- aye, Kasselder – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Swick – aye, Smith – aye. Motion carried.
Freouf made a motion to revise policies 3001, 3003.1, 3004.1, 3033, 3036, 4003, 4045, 4059, 5003, 5004, 5035, 5052, and 5062 with KSB updates as presented. Seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Wright- aye, Kasselder – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Swick – aye, Smith – aye. Motion carried.
Swick made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Derner. All in favor – aye. Meeting adjourned at 10:19 p.m.
PUBLISH: September 20, 2023