Neligh, Nebraska
September 13, 2011
Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s office and are open to the public.
Those responding to roll call: Bolling, Brandt, Kerkman, Baker, Williby, Henery and Schwager. Antelope County Attorney Joe Abler appeared at 10:00 AM.
Approved the following claims for payment. We, the Committee on Claims, report that we have examined and approved for payment the following claims:
GENERAL FUND: Mark Albin, ex, 1085.00; Antelope Co Court, ex, 181.00; Antelope Co Dist Court, ex, 35.00; Antelope Co Resource Center, ex, 2242.00; Antelope Co Sheriff, ex, 928.71; Antelope Memorial Hospital, ex, 1127.00; Appeara, ex, 109.58; AS Central Finance, ex, 90.75; Larry Baker, mlg, 166.23; Bomgaars, ex, 420.18; Harlan Brandt, mlg, 172.73; Braun Pest, ex, 25.00; Dean Brown, ps, 25.00; Brunswick Library, ex, 2100.00; Cabela’s, ex, 178.94; Carney Law, ex, 5710.27; Ardith Carr, ex, 40.86; Elgin City, ex, 250.00; Neligh City, ut, 4586.31; Norfolk City, ex, 1500.00; Clearwater Library, ex, 2112.50; Clearwater Record, ex, 181.50; Consolidated Management, ex, 69.25; Keith Cooper, ps, 25.00; Co Veteran’s Service Officers Assoc, ex, 35.00; Creative Products, ex, 183.39; Cubby’s, ex, 502.63; Dean’s Mkt, ex, 455.28; Dollar General, ex, 47.00; Eakes Office Plus, ex, 295.26; James Egley, ex, 50.00; Elgin Library, ex, 2403.12; Elgin Review, ex, 244.29; Elite Office Products, ex, 826.02; Floor Maintenance, ex, 167.79; Frontier Communications, ut, 1941.13; Gas Rite, ex, 2645.43; Anita Hall, mlg, 170.94; Ashlee Hanson, ex, 44.00; Carol Hanlin, ex, 297.00; Charles Henery, mlg, 180.93; Lyle Hart, ex, 200.00; Herley’s Collision Repair, ex, 250.00; Jennie Hinrichs, ex, 75.00; Jack’s Uniforms, ex, 143.79; Terry Jensen, ex, 60.00; Jonny Dodge, ex, 22,485.00; Frank Kamphaus, ps, 16.00; LeRoy Kerkman, mlg, 73.82; Latimer Reporting, ex, 179.50; Jeff Doerr, ex, 1132.02; Willetta Lindsay, ex, 25.00; Madison Co Court, ex, 2.75; Gerald Maple, ps, 20.00; Norma Maple, ps, 16.00; Heather McWhorter, mlg, 205.77; James Meuret, ex, 370.50; Microfilm Imaging, ex, 87.00; MIPS, ex, 493.05; Bob Moore, ex, 100.00; Kelly Mueller, ex, 29.99; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 25.47; Neligh News, ex, 365.24; Neligh Postmaster, ex, 70.00; Nielsen Insurance, ex, 70.00; NE Nebr Assn Co Officials, ex, 240.00; Oakdale Library, ex, 2265.63; Ok Tire, ex, 219.74; Orchard News, ex, 138.25; Orchard Library, ex, 2265.63; Orval’s Auto, ex, 46.75; Donna Payne, ps, 25.00; Phyllis Perdew, mlg, 22.20; Protex Central, ex, 210.90; Kurt Rakow, mlg, 33.30; Royal One Stop, ex, 40.90; Marlene Schindler, ex, 21.96; Jerald Schwager, mlg, 285.27; Nebr Secretary of State, ex, 20.00; 7th Judicial Mental Health, ex, 477.94; John Shaver, ex, 100.00; Caroline Siems, ps, 25.00; Source Gas, ut, 46.43; Leland Stokes, ps, 10.00; Dewey Teel, mlg, 122.10; Telebeep, ut, 34.22; Darin Ternus, ex, 100.00; The Station, ex, 253.00; Thriftway Mkt, ex, 1090.79; Total Fire Protection, ex, 550.00; Neligh Post Office, ex, 238.25; UNL IS Communications, ex, 12.95; Urbanec’s Furniture, ex, 329.85; US Cellular, ut, 150.19; Clearwater Village, ex, 250.00; VISA, ex, 132.00; Wanek Drug , ex, 131.52; Neil Williby, mlg, 232.00; Willie’s Service, ex, 315.43; Woods & Aitken, ex, 504.00; Greg Wortman, mlg, 33.30; Zee Medical, ex, 103.25; Dan Zwingman, mlg, 13.32
ROAD & BRIDGE: (Brunswick Area) Bazile Aggregate, ex, 3328.00; Fastenal Co, ex, 351.33; Frontier Communications, ut, 65.88; Kayton Intl, ex, 58.35; Key Sanitation, ut, 18.00; Kumm Gas, ex, 5009.60; Largen Mfg, ex, 178.00; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 1095.77; Nebr Machinery, ex, 1005.61; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 182.55; North Central Public Power, ut, 99.93; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 53.75; Stan’s Lawn Ser, ex, 275.00; Brunswick Village, ut, 32.50 (Orchard Area) Bazile Creek Power Sport, ex, 559.95; Frontier Communications, ut, 54.47; Green Line Equip, ex, 118.00; Kayton Intl, ex, 47.26; Kimball, Midwest, ex, 90.37; Lazy T Tire, ex, 213.95; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 715.22; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 4104.48; North Central Public Power, ut, 142.28; R’s Carryouts, ex, 743.47; Source Gas, ut, 12.44; Steffen Inc, ex, 995.00; T, J Corner Hardware, ex, 12.54; Town & Country Hardware, ex, 30.50 (Clearwater Area) B’s Enterprises, ex, 190.00; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 108.81; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 2655.03; FedEx, ex, 30.59; Green Line Equip, ex, 27.80; NE Nebr Telephone, ut, 56.26; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 2161.20; Powerplan, Murphy Tractor, ex, 296.90; Source Gas, ut, 14.69; Texaco, ex, 333.33; Clearwater Village, ut, 52.00 (Neligh Area) Advanced Energy Fuels, ex, 4682.32; Bomgaars, ex, 112.39; Cubby’s, ex, 333.04; Frontier Communications, ut, 51.79; Jonny Dodge, ex, 131.77; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 260.86; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 116.46; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 7393.44; Willow Creek Sand & Gravel, ex, 1800.00 (Tilden Area) Advanced Energy Fuels, ex, 6301.42; Bomgaars, ex, 79.44; Tilden City, ut, 74.35; Constellation Energy, ut, 10.16; Frontier Communications, ut, 59.06; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 873.67; Nebr Machinery, ex, 721.18; Nebr Public Power, ut, 91.77; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 3880.72; Quick Serve Oil, ex, 6.96 (Oakdale Area) Advanced Energy Fuels, ex, 2537.18; Great Plains Communications, ut, 93.41; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 880.60; Mr S’s, ex, 547.97; Nebr Public Power, ut, 33.55; Ok Auto Parts, ex, 41.58; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 5656.88; Powerplan, Murphy Tractor, ex, 507.54; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 28.30; Source Gas, ut, 33.04; Oakdale Village, ut, 12.75 (Elgin Area) Advanced Energy Fuels, ut, 8591.72; Bomgaars, ex, 59.80; Central Valley Ag, ex, 8.56; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 59.30; Great Plains Communications, ut, 48.15; Nebr Machinery, ex, 1441.42; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 4103.68; SAPP Brothers, ex, 12.16; Source Gas, ut, 37.66 (Elgin Area) Advanced Energy Fuels, ex, 8591.72; Bomgaars, ex, 59.80; Central Valley Ag, ex, 8.56; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 59.30; Great Plains Communcations, ut, 48.15; Nebr Machinery, ex, 1441.42; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 4103.68; SAPP Brothers, ex, 12.16; Source Gas, ut, 37.66 (At Large) Advanced Energy Fuels, ex, 9692.08; Appeara, ex, 183.92; B’s Enterprises, ex, 27,818.81; Bomgaars, ex, 579.43; Bygland Contracting, ex, 4284.30; Central Valley Ag, ex, 128.42; Clearwater Feed, ex, 120.00; Creston Fertilizer, ex, 963.70; Cubby’s, ex, 166.03; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 421.51; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 2561.47; Island Supply, ex, 236.74; Jebro, ex, 25,340.14; JEO Consulting, ex, 12,688.25; Jonny Dodge, ex, 2062.33; Klabenes Construction, ex, 100,608.87; Kumm Gas, ex, 1521.85; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 2932.59; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 112.59; Medical Enterprises, ex, 124.00; Midwest Service, ex, 16,738.07; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 1296.48; Mr S’s, ex, 266.71; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 142.68; Newman Traffic Signs, ex, 930.60; Ok Tire, ex, 905.90; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 200.96; Rutjens Construction, ex, 1005.00; Schoenauer Garage, ex, 10.00; Texaco, ex, 1259.29; The Station, ex, 210.80; Tinsley Grain, ex, 1856.75; Town & Country Hardware, ex, 41.50; Timothy Twibell, ex, 120.37; West, Hodson Lumber, ex, 342.00; Ganskow Construction, ex, 75,000.00
REAPPRAISAL FUND: Cornhusker Hotel, ex, 288.00; Environmental Systems Research, ex, 400.00
BUILDING FUND: Flenniken Plumbing & Htg, ex, 121.20; Trease Appliance, ex, 98.80
WEED CONTROL FUND: Bomgaars, ex, 24.31; Neligh City, ut, 104.39; Cubby’s, ex, 935.92; Frontier Communications, ut, 114.72; Ed Jensen, mlg, 7.22; Nebr Weed Control, ex, 12.00; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 273.82; Ok Tire, ex, 3.00; Chuck Thiemann, ex, 50.00; Thriftway Mkt, ex, 36.61; William Van Brocklin, mlg, 59.96; Verizon Wireless, ut, 53.63; David Willats, mlg, 76.60
GENERAL FUND PAYROLL: Total Wages, 64,260.30; WH, 6468.82; SS, 10,895.85; ST, 2257.51; Ameritas, ret, 9504.31; Ameritas, ins, 320.12; AFLAC, ins, 124.80; BC/BS, ins, 41,153.33; Colonial, ins, 3.25; 1st Concord, ins, 299.33; Garnishment, 453.11; Madison National Life, ins, 139.24; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 255.00; Washington National, ins, 616.20
ROAD & BRIDGE PAYROLL: Total Wages, 43,129.58; WH, 4125.15; SS, 7332.53; ST, 1490.53; Ameritas, ret, 5605.69; Ameritas, ins, 266.16l; AFLAC, ins, 384.16; BC/BS, ins, 24,768.91; Colonial, ins, 64.80; Garnishment, 600.00; Garnishment, 403.83; Madison National Life, ins, 87.81; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 135.00; Washington National, ins, 24.90
WEED CONTROL PAYROLL: Total Wages, 6358.22; WH, 707.87; SS, 1066.07; ST, 206.41; Ameritas, ret, 725.47; Ameritas, ins, 25.92; AFLAC, ins, 65.65; BC/BS, ins, 1307.66; Madison National Life, ins, 3.20; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 7.50; Washington National, ins, 20.10
Authorized the clerk to advertise for an employee for the Clearwater barn.
Reviewed the following reports: treasurer’s fund balance, miscellaneous fee report, sheriff’s August fee report and the clerk of the district court August fee report.
Reviewed correspondence.
Approved striking one distress warrant.
Accepted the delinquent tax report.
Approved the August 2, 2011, August 9, 2011 and August 16, 2011 regular board minutes.
Authorized the vice chairman to sign the resolution transferring the Insurance Premium from the Road and Bridge Fund to the General Fund.
Approved purchasing two V, plows for Nebraska Machinery in the amount of $7,000.00 each.
Approved the conditional use permit submitted by Roger Hauf.
Approved the conditional use permit submitted by Mark Cooper.
No action taken on the zoning regulations for set backs.
Discussed the Village of Orchard’s law enforcement agreement, no action taken.
Purchased two dump trucks from Ganskow Construction in the amount of $37,500.00 each.
Approved proceeding with the county work order for the Old Mill Bridge. The County will rip, rap the north bank, remove the remnants of the south abutment, reset and repair the truss and make the bridge pedestrian usable.
Authorized the Chairman to sign the resolution for emergency repairs to the Orchard road.
Meeting adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Supervisors
Chairman of County Board
Attest: CAROLYN PEDERSEN /s/ Antelope County Clerk
Publish: September 21, 2011