Proceedings – Antelope County Commissioners

Neligh, Nebraska
December 1st, 2020
Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
Approved agenda.
Approved minutes of the 11-03-2020, 11-10-2020 and 11-17-2020 BOC meetings.
Correspondence was reviewed.
Approved thee (3) papers for Official Newspapers for 2021. Heard report from NCDHD. Discussion on Weed Superintendent position.
Zoning Administrator Report. Approved Administrative Plat. Reappointed three (3) members to Antelope County Planning Commission. Appointed one to Board of Adjustments – looking for a couple of replacements. Approved Region 11 to request proposals for updating of Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Made an appointment to Extension Board.
Public Hearing for closing of 841st Road was held. Approved motion for 841st to remain open.
Road Superintendent Report: Approved five (5) oversize permits, two (2) access and two (2) underground permits. Approved purchase of excavator.
Approved Highway 20 Interlocal Agreement. Approved Tower land purchase.
Report on security for Courthouse – no action.
Approved motion to continue with NIRMA for three (3) years.
Meeting Adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Commissioners
Chairman of County Board
Attest: LISA PAYNE /s/
Antelope County Clerk
PUBLISH: December 9, 2020