March 4, 2013
The Elgin City Council met in regular session on Monday, March 4, 2013, at 7:30 p.m., pursuant to posted notice. Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order, and announced the location of the Open Meeting Act. Council members present were Shirley Nissen, Don Mackel, Kenny Jochum and Jim Kittelson.
A complete and accurate copy of the minutes is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the City Clerk’s office.
The following agenda items were approved:
February regular meeting and One and Six Year Street hearing minutes, treasurer’s report, transaction report, and paying the claims
GENERAL: ERPPD, se, 131.54; Great Plains Communications, se, 50.37; Fitzgerald, Vetter & Temple, se, 200.00; Jeannette Meis, se, 75.00; Prudential, retirement, 550.82; USTreasury, tax, 2215.52; APPEARA, su, 37.15; Elgin Review, se, 289.61; Dean’s Market, su, 25.22; Elgin Insurance Services, ins, 1276.00; Western Office, su, 103.30; Eakes Office Plus, su, 79.06; Duane Miller, se, 10.00; Antelope County Clerk, election, 49.67; Elgin Appliance, rprs, 63.48; Source Gas, se, 255.39; Bank of Elgin, ins, 1436.42; Bank of Elgin, loan, 500.00; Payroll, 1566.20
SALES TAX: To General; $2286.78
STREET: ERPPD, se, 1773.38; Elgin One Stop, su, 381.69; Verizonwireless, su, 1.36; Bank of Elgin, loan, 875.05; Source Gas, se, 119.13; The Station, su, 340.53; Elgin Auto Parts, su, 6.90; CVA, su, 7.81; Complete Pest Elimination, se; 3040.00; Payroll, 1062.58
WATER: ERPPD, se, 708.44; NE Dept of Revenue, tax, 953.68; Verizonwireless, su, 14.36; Great Plains Communications, se, 82.75; US Post Office, su, 5.60; NE Public Health Lab, se, 50.00; One Call Concepts, se, 1.10; Lincoln Winwater Works, su, 75.95; Hawkins, su, 122.10; Payroll, 2125.14
SEWER: ERPPD, se, 1084.85; NE Department of Revenue, tax, 632.60; Great Plains Communications, se, 44.92; Dean’s Market, su, 1.50; One Call Concepts, se, 1.10; Midwest Labs, se, 253.23; Payroll, 817.62
FIRE: ERPPD, se, 260.09; Great Plains Communications, se, 51.11; APPEARA, su, 37.15; Source Gas, se, 582.13; Bank of Elgin, loan, 1846.71
POLICE: Antelope Co Sheriff, se, 2640.00
TRASH PICKUP/RECYCLING: Bud’s Sanitary Service, se, 4495.75; Betty Moser, rent, 100.00
POOL: ERPPD, se, 28.09; Source Gas, se, 24.25; DHHS, license, 40.00
PARK: ERPPD, se, 83.77; Payroll, 244.92
LIBRARY: ERPPD, se, 67.04; Source Gas, se, 121.19; Amazon, bks, 64.15; Great Plains Communication, se, 64.33; Deb Flaugh, bks, 78.88; Midamerica Books, bks, 75.75; NE Library System, class, 20.00; Payroll, 923.88
Bid from B & S Construction for sidewalk and steps at fire hall for $1690.00
Tabled action on annexation of Meis Subdivision until April meeting
Agreement with Advanced Consulting Engineers to submit specifications on Water Well 88-1 repairs for $2750.00
Paying for Water Well #88-1 repairs out of general fund
Resolution 2013-2, regarding DWSRF loan with DEQ
Resolution 2013-3, regarding placing stop signs at 5th and Cedar Streets
Resolution 2013-4, regarding temporary closing of 5th Street during school hours and activities
Bid from TopKote for 10,000 gallons of armor coat oil at $3.04 per gallon
Mutual aid agreement with Antelope Memorial Hospital
Bill Mescher as girls 14 and under softball coach
Heidi Rethmeier as girls 12 and under softball coach
Sue Vanis as pool manager and Emily Vanis as co-manager
Madison Voborny, Ivy Prater, Sharla Schindler and Hayley Stamp as full time lifeguards and Kaitlyn Polk as sub-guard
Agreement with Justin Reestman for use of ball field for men’s softball
Building permit from Larry Anderson
Discussions were held:
There will be no driveway to the Homestead off Bowen Street
Fire Department Insurance deductible changes
Dead ends within City Limits and possible sign purchase tabled until April
Non-payment of drainage ditch on Bowen Street by property owner
The generator for fire storage building is in
The State is requiring arsenic reports to be sent to customers quarterly
Concrete disposal
Office closed March 7th & 8th and March 20th – 22nd
Sheriff’s Report-108 hours and 57 minutes and 12-911 calls.
Next regular meeting will be held on April 1, 2013
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Publish: March 13, 2013