Neligh, Nebraska
July 10, 2012
Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s office and are open to the public.
Those responding to roll call: Bolling, Schwager, Baker, Williby, Henery and Kerkman. Brandt appeared later.
Approved the following claims for payment.
We, the Committee on Claims, report that we have examined and approved for payment the following claims:
GENERAL FUND: Antelope Co Court, ex, 218.25; Antelope Co Dist Court, ex, 64.00; Antelope Co Resource Center, ex, 2242.00; Antelope Co Sheriff, ex, 212.95; Appeara, ex, 37.43; AS Central Finance, ex, 448.00; Larry Baker, mlg, 151.80; Bear Graphics, ex, 450.72; Harlan Brandt, mlg, 199.25; Braun Pest Control, ex, 25.00; Dean Brown, ps, 25.00; Carhart Lumber, ex, 6.58; Carney Law, ex, 3284.16; Casey’s, ex, 100.07; Elgin City, ex, 250.00; Neligh City, ut, 3106.12; Clearwater Record, ex, 136.30; Cubby’s, ex, 768.36; Dean’s Mkt, ex, 481.72; Dollar General, ex, 292.50; Eakes Office Plus, ex, 89.95; Elgin Review, ex, 132.13; Elite Office Products, ex, 349.37; Elkhorn River Farms, ex, 60.00; Frontier Communications, ut, 2009.61; Gas Rite, ex, 1734.83; GIS Workshop, ex, 5250.00; Anita Hall, mlg, 66.60; Tessa Harms, mlg, 170.94; Charles Henery, mlg, 71.04; Hi, way Mart, ex, 10.77; Jenna Holan, ex, 7:06; Nadene Hughes, ps, 14.00; Iowa Prison, ex, 180.62; Jack’s Uniforms, ex, 98.89; Frank Kamphaus, ps, 16.00; LeRoy Kerkman, mlg, 58.83; Sandra Knapp, mlg, 34.41; Kumm Gas, ex, 65.10; Lancaster Co Sheriff, ex, 19.18; Jeff Doerr Law, ex, 734.18; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 12.00; Leanne Lill, ex, 20.00; Madison Co Sheriff, ex, 6.00; Gerald Maple, ps, 20.00; Microfilm Imaging, ex, 87.00; Midplains, ex, 15.00; MIPS, ex, 520.75; Kelly Mueller, ex, 62.64; NACO, ex, 1534.61; Nebr Public Health Environmental, ex, 84.00; Nebr Workforce, ex, 1139.00; Neligh News, ex, 167.30; Netcom, ex, 250.00; Nielsen Ins, ex, 70.00; NE Nebr Area Agency on Aging, ex, 3823.00; NE Nebr Juvenile Services, ex, 481.25; Valorie Olson, ex, 113.75; Orchard News, ex, 413.51; Donna Payne, ps, 25.00; Pitney Bowes, ex, 3000.00; Prochaska & Associates, ex, 8246.43; Region IV Behavioral Health, ex, 4175.75; Region IV Northstar Services, ex, 2808.00; Jerald Schwager, mlg, 154.30; Caroline Siems, ps, 25.00; Leland Stokes, ps, 10.00; The Station, ex, 479.51; Thriftway Mkt, ex, 650.63; US Cellular, ut, 152.54; Clearwater Village, ex, 250.00; Western Office Plus, ex, 20.97; Rod Wilke, mlg, 119.32; Neil Williby, mlg, 133.76; Diane Wiseman, ex, 24.00; NE Nebr Economic Delvelopement, ex, 875.00
ROAD & BRIDGE: (Brunswick Area) Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 69.00; Frontier Communications, ut, 69.60; Green Line Equip, ex, 171.18; Key Sanitation, ut, 18.00; Kumm Gas, ex, 5151.30; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 2205.16; North Central Public Power, ut, 97.57; Brunswick Village, ut, 37.50 (Orchard Area) Farmer’s Pride, ex, 4973.26; Frontier Communications, ut, 58.15; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 107.76; North Central Public Power, ut, 47.49; R’s Carryouts, ex, 51.49; T, J’s Corner Harware, ex, 46.84; Orchard Village, ut, 30.50 (Clearwater Area) ATCO International, ex, 126.25; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 95.12; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 3340.00; Green Line Equip, ex, 427.21; Kayton International, ex, 149.64; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 598.64; NE Nebr Telephone, ut, 59.61; Sapp Brothers, ex, 2938.06; Texaco, ex, 151.92l; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 5.09 (Neligh Area) Cubby’s, ex, 206.90; Frontier Communications, ut, 55.20; Netcom, ex, 205.00; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 1974.64; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 75.96 (Tilden Area) Darren’s Service, ex, 46.04; Frontier Communications, ut, 57.35; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 107.00; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 34.90 (Oakdale Area) Great Plains Communications, ut, 113.86; Great Line Equip, ex, 31.76; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 1089.05; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 170.16; Mr S’s, ex, 400.32; Quick Serve Oil, ex, 91.50; Oakdale Village, ut, 12.75 (Elgin Area) Central Valley Ag, ex, 11.58; Elgin City, ut, 52.50; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 57.87; Great Plains Communications, ut, 47.82; Jerry’s Feed Service, ex, 32.42; Marlin Matson, ex, 57.50; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 3351.94; Neligh Auto & Machine, 79.90; Source Gas, ut, 53.77 (At Large) Appeara, ex, 144.98; Carhart Lumber, ex, 181.33; Central Nebr Economic Development, ex, 3909.75; Central Valley Ag, ex, 28.31; Cubby’s, ex, 227.50; D&M Machinery, ex, 31.41; Darren’s Service, ex, 115.36; Dinkel Imp, ex, 431.21; Elgin Auto Parts, ex, 122.96; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 379.94; Fastenal Co, ex, 39.65; Green Line Equip, ex, 95.56; Hinrichsen Sand & Gravel, ex, 1378.23; John Hruby, ex, 7070.00; Island Supply Welding, ex, 165.00; Jebro, ex, 130,796.46; Jonny Dodge, ex, 1438.79; Kayton International, ex, 183.17; Kumm Gas, ex, 1688.98; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 842.62; Maddock Ind, ex, 4103.03; Nebr Dept of Revenue, ex, 2032.00; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 257.96; OK Auto, ex, 29.96; OK Tire, ex, 561.96; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 16,165.26; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 627.79; Quick Serve Oil, ex, 108.04; R’s Carryouts, ex, 826.20; Texaco, ex, 1458.54; The Station, ex, 718.99; Van Diest Supply, ex, 662.40; Courtesy Ford, ex, 20,097.00
REAPPRAISAL FUND: GIS Workshop, ex, 4000.00; Heather McWhorter, mlg, 10.00; Kelly Mueller, mlg, 13.15;
BUILDING FUND: Berggren Architects, ex, 180.62; Masonry Construction, ex, 18,430.52
WEED CONTROL FUND: Neligh City, ut, 80.25; Frontier Communications, ut, 115.94; Robert Hofacker, mlg, 28.86; Edward Jensen, mlg, 31.66; Leo Market, ex, 69.00; William Van Brocklin, mlg, 24.98; Verizon Wireless, ut, 54.43; David Willats, mlg, 91.04
GENERAL FUND PAYROLL: Total Wages, 60,631.20; WH, 6291.87; SS, 10,311.37; ST, 2559.56; Ameritas, ret, 8889.09; Garnishment, 50.00; Ameritas, ins, 447.32; BC/BS, ins, 46,667.24; Colonial, ins, 90.92; 1st Concord Benefits, ins, 350.00; Madison National, ins, 153.41; Washington National, ins, 589.70
ROAD & BRIDGE PAYROLL: Total Wages, 43,722.38; WH, 3941.55; SS, 7431.86; ST, 1469.79; Garnishment, 1179.71; Ameritas, ret, 5953.38; Ameritas, ins, 233.20; AFLAC, ins, 333.85; BC/BS, ins, 24,046.89; Colonial, ins, 64.80; Madison National, ins, 84.59; Washington, ins, 24.90
WEED CONTROL PAYROLL: Total Wages, 6756.25; WH, 842.53; SS, 1152.16; ST, 248.07; Ameritas, ret, 816.32; AFLAC, ins, 65.65; Ameritas, ins, 25.92; BC/BS, ins, 1307.66; Washington National, ins, 20.10 Madison National, ins, 3.20
SALARIES: July 2012
The following salaries are to be published each year between July 15 and August 15, according to Nebraska State Statute 23-122, revised by LB299 in 1996. Antelope County employees are paid on a monthly payroll. The salaries vary in each department, due to job titles and the number of years of employment. The following are payroll figures: GENERAL FUND: Supervisors (6) $11,330.00; (1) $12,338.00-annual; Officials (4) $42,640.00 – annual; Deputies (3) $30,700.80 – annual; Part-time deputies (1) $15.74 hourly; Clerical (1) $31,377.00 – annual; Hourly – (5) $11.65; (1) $8.50; Part-time clerical (1) $10.00; (1) $9.00; Janitor (1) $11.15; Part-time janitor (1) $10.25; Custodian (1) $11.25; Sheriff (1) $45,848.92 – annual; Deputies (1) $31,867.56; (1) $30,246.48; (1) $29,241.00; (1) $26,676.00 – annual. Part-time deputies (1) $14.25; (4) $13.00 – hourly; Dispatchers (1) $14.00; (1) $12.40; (1) $12.00; (1) $11.32; (2) $10.00; (2) $9.00 – hourly; Matron (1) $8.25 – hourly; Attorney (1) $43,800.31 – annual; Veterans Service Officer (1) $27,579.96 – annual; Zoning (1) $11.40 – hourly. ROAD & BRIDGE FUND: Road Workers (14) $12.40; (3) $11.90; (1) $11.40; (1) $10.65; – hourly. Part-time road workers (5) $10.75 – hourly; Highway Superintendent (1) $1200.00 – annual. WEED CONTROL FUND: Board Members: (5) $40.00 per meeting. Weed Superintendent: (1) $36,443.16 – annual; Clerical (1) $11.77 – hourly; Part-time sprayers (1) 11.36; (1) 10.19 – hourly.
Reviewed correspondence.
No action taken on the sale of county surplus property.
Hired Laurie Hansen as the Responsible Charge for Antelope County.
Approved the June 5, 12 and 26, 2012 board minutes.
Reviewed the clerk of the district court, county sheriff, treasurers fund balance and miscellaneous fee reports.
Tabled the decision on the new county jail until the August 7, 2012 meeting.
Tabled the decision on closing 525 Avenue between Sections 15 and 16, Neligh Township until the August 7, 2012 meeting.
Approved a .50¢ an hour wage increase for the custodians, part-time help and zoning administrator.
No action taken on purchasing additional millings from Warner Construction.
Approved re-selling the surplus CAT parts back to Nebraska Machinery with a 15% restocking fee.
Decided to continue having the county clerk do the township billings.
Patrick Lechner with the Natural Resource District met with the board to discuss the drought situation.
Jessica Hendricks, Community Liaison with Congressman Adrian Smith’s office met with the board to discuss various issues.
D.A. Davidson representatives Cody A. Wickham and Daniel J. Smith met with the board regarding county bonds for the new proposed jail; no action taken.
Andy Snyder representative with Smith Hayes Financial Services met with the board regarding county bonds for the new proposed jail; no action taken.
Received a quarterly update from the County Veterans Service Officer.
Meeting adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Supervisors
Chairman of County Board
Antelope County Clerk
Publish: July 18, 2012