Neligh, Nebraska
October 7, 2014
Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s office and are open to the public.
Those responding to roll call: Bolling, Brandt, Kerkman, Baker, Henery and Schwager. Williby appeared later.
Discussion was held regarding Road Number 397 located between Sections 7 and 8, Ord Township and an easement which is on record at the county register of deeds office pertaining to Section 8 of Ord Township; no action taken.
Authorized the chairman to sign the Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards Certification and Road and Bridge Contracts Report.
Approved the conditional use permit submitted by Invenergy Wind Development, LLC on behalf of Prairie Breeze Wind Energy II, LLC.
Reviewed correspondence.
Reviewed various office reports for August and September.
Heard from Hammer Insurance agent Josh Gray regarding the county insurance.
No action taken on purchasing a pickup for the Brunswick district.
No bids receive for the clerk of the district court office ceiling restoration.
Authorized the chairman to sign Change Order No. 1, Application for Payment No. 1 (Final) and Recommendation of Acceptance for the Tilden Northwest 532 Road Project.
Approved two underground permit applications.
Authorized the chairman to sign the Adoption Agreement for the Flexible Benefits Plan.
No action taken regarding the air conditioner in the communications room.
Authorized the chairman to sign the Electronic Service Agreement, the Interagency Agreement and the Electronic Government Service Level Agreement with Nebraska Interactive, LLC for the County Website Re; Design.
Approved the September 2, 2014 and the September 9, 2014 regular board minutes.
Authorized the chairman to sign the Indirect Rate Sheet and the Cost Plan Certification for reimbursement relating to space provided for the Nebraska Health & Human Services Systems office.
Recessed as a regular board at 11:45 AM to convene as a county board of equalization; reconvened as a regular board at 11:49AM.
Meeting adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Supervisors
Chairman of County Board
Attest: CAROLYN PEDERSEN /s/ Antelope County Clerk
PUBLISH: October 15, 2014