The Pope John students will hold a paper drive on Saturday, Sept. 25.
Juniors and seventh graders are in charge of the project. The following are contact persons:
Clearwater & Rural St. John — Caleb Pelster (843-5411 or 843-0274)
Neligh — Drew Schindler (843-6275)
Raeville — Jared Seier (843-0387)
Petersburg — Jared Seier (843-0387)
Elgin — Grant Beckman (843-6427 or 843-2334) or Sister Pat (843-5461)
They will collect newspapers, phone books, paper backs and shredded paper, magazines and slick papers, and flattened cardboard.
Please note: Papers must be boxed or put in brown paper bags.
They will not collect any hard covered books, books, note books or calendars with spirals, plastic wrappers or bags.
Please have the paper at the pick-up locations by 8 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 25, or placed in the protected area in front of the St. Boniface Gym no sooner than Friday or Saturday but no later than 10 a.m. on Saturday.