Elgin FFA’s Farm Business Management team, consisting of (l-r) Jarek Erickson, Nick Anderson, Baylee Busteed and Keyera Eisenhauer, recently finished second overall in district competition, qualifying for the State FFA Convention.
The 2024 year has been a great year for Elgin’s FFA members.
Beginning with 11 Senior members learning that they earned the State FFA Degree. Meanwhile, several members were busy with agriscience fair projects and reports. All the members that take on completing a agriscience fair project, not only have volunteered to put in a little extra work, they also are able to learn some great science lessons as they go through the scientific method processes.
Ultimately, these members are hoping for some recognition at the state and national levels where they have seen several members of the Elgin Chapter succeed. In order for any agriscience fair project to be selected for the state FFA convention contest, the reports must be submitted by a February 15th deadline and evaluated by judges. The reports must meet a certain number of points on the rubric to move forward. This year the chapter has 16 FFA members (each in teams of two)that had their reports selected for state. At the state contest, the members will present their science boards and go through an interview. The top 3 in each division and category will then be recognized on stage at the convention, with the winner advancing their projects to nationals for review.
Here are the qualifying teams:
• Chloe Henn & Samantha Durre – Plant Systems Division 6
• Michael Selting & Justice Blecher – Enviro/Nat. Resource Systems Division 4
• Kyndal Busteed & Autumn Forbes – Social Systems Division 4
• Braelyn Martinsen & Kylee Lichtenberg – Food Systems Division 4
• Megan Wright & Ruby Durre – Plant Systems Division 4
• Brooke Kinney & Aubri Parks – Plant Systems Division 4
• Brystol Buschow & Kaidynce Schrad – Food Systems Division 2
• Molly Thiessen & Makenna Mortiboy – Food Systems Division 2
Career Development Events
Along with the hectic season of state degree applications and science fair madness, all the members were also preparing for two big days at the end of February and beginning of March; District 10 Career Development Events (CDE’s).
With almost 60 FFA members this year, everyone knew they had to prepare and step it up if they wanted a chance to compete at state FFA, especially since almost all contests are now qualifying contests at state convention due to the increase in overall members in the state. And that’s just what they did, as they competed against FFA members that come from some of the best FFA chapters in the state including Ainsworth, Boyd County, Burwell, Chambers, Elgin, Elkhorn Valley, Keya Paha County, Loup County, Neligh-Oakdale, O’Neill, Ord, Rock County, Sargent, Stuart, West Holt, Wheeler Central, and the newly formed Nebraska Ag Academy.
The first round of CDE’s took place at Northeast Community College. With the contests, the team had to either place in the top 25 percent of the total number of schools competing or in the top 5 (welding only).
Here are results of those contests:
• Livestock Management – 3rd Overall Team – State Qualifiers Samuel Hemenway, Samantha Durre, Jaidyn Schrad, Autumn Forbes & Gemma Miller
• Welding – 4th overall team – State Qualifiers Nick Anderson (Arc Welding), Samuel Hemenway (TIG Welding), Isaac Hemenway (MIG Welding) & Dylon Parks (Oxy-Acetylene Welding) (Kaiden Bode alternate)
• Floriculture – 3rd overall team – State Qualifiers Baylee Busteed, Callie Heithoff, Sara Bode, & Kate Furstenau
• Nursery Landscape – 4th overall team – State Qualifiers Camry Kittelson, Tessa Barlow, Natalie Burenheide & Sara Bode
• Farm Business Mgt – 2nd overall team – State Qualifiers Keyera Eisenhauer, Baylee Busteed, Jarek Erickson and Nick Anderson
• Agriscience – 2nd overall team – State Qualifiers Kylee Lichtenberg, Elizabeth Moser, Kierstyn Eisenhauer & Ruby Durre.
• Ag Mechanics – 6th overall team Samuel Hemenway, Isaac Hemenway, Kaiden Bode & Nick Anderson
The second round of CDE’s were in Sargent on March 7. Out of the four contests Elgin qualified two teams!
• Natural Resources – 3rd overall team Landon Kallhoff, Blake Henn, Myles Kittelson & Dylon Lueking (Alt. Brian Heithoff)
• Agronomy – 3rd overall team Isaac Hemenway, Samuel Hemenway, Haley Parks, and Taylor Beckman (Alt. Jayda Chessmore)
For the chapter, this is the most CDE teams that have qualified for state competition!
Agriculture Issues Academy
While working on their CDE’s a few members took some extra time writing essays and working on resumes in order to be selected for the Nebraska Ag Issues Academy. This academy is an opportunity for FFA members to learn new leadership and communication skills while interacting with professionals in agricultural industries. The members had to submit a written essay application and their resumes and then be selected to the academy.
Elgin FFA had five young ladies selected; Kyndal Busteed, Rylen Schwarting, Dannyka Smidt, Libby Evans & Zoey Buechter
Proficiency and State Star Awards
Just to add to their list of things to do, some members went above and beyond to fill out proficiency applications and State Star applications. The Agricultural Proficiency Awards honor FFA members who, through their SAEs, have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers.
This year Samuel Hemenway applied with a diversified ag placement and grain placement proficiency. Both of his proficiencies made it to the state level. His grain proficiency was 5th overall and his diversified agriculture application is top 3 in the state and he will be interviewed and recognized at state for a chance to win.
Carter Beckman, will also interview and be recognized at state for his swine placement proficiency, this time with a win as he fell short of winning the category last year!
New to the proficiency application experience, Sara Bode, applied with a Sales & Service application.
Her application made it to state for review but fell short of being top three. She will apply again next year!
Samuel Hemenway also applied for a Star award with his agricultural diversification SAE.
The FFA Star award is for FFA members who have outstanding SAE programs and may apply to be a State Star in Production, Agribusiness, Placement or Agriscience. Twenty-four individuals are selected to be finalists each year and one Star is named in each of the four areas. Samuel will have a lengthy interview at the state convention and then they will announce the winner’s at the last session of convention on April 5.
State FFA Chorus
Once again, the State FFA chorus will have representation coming from the Elgin Chapter. Elgin has so many kids that are musically talented and it’s wonderful that they can showcase that at a big event like State Convention.
Congratulations to Baylee Busteed and Brenna Martinsen for being accepted to the State FFA Chorus!