Notice to Bidders, Antelope County Board of Commissioners-Service Truck



The Antelope County Commissioners have the intent to purchase one (1) new or used service truck. They invite informal quotes from now until 9:15 am on November 12th, 2024. Quotes should be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to the Antelope County Board of Commissioners, 501 Main Street, PO Box 26, Neligh, NE 68756-0026. The envelope must be clearly marked with “Informal quote for Service Truck” on the outside of the envelope. Quotes will be opened during the November 12th, 2024, board meeting at 9:15 am. The specs for the service truck are as follows: One (1) ton or comparable (heavier) diesel engine; extended cab (preferred); service body, medium sized crane, 4-wheel drive; other preferred options include – power inverter, air compressor, generator, welder. Please include with bid: year and mileage (if used), warranty information, and the availability for delivery. The Antelope County Commissioners reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids and determine in its sole discretion whether a product is acceptable as an equivalent.

PUBLISH: October 23, 30 & November 6, 2024