Section 0100 – Invitation to Bidders
1. General
1.1. The City of Elgin will receive bids for Water System Improvements until December 17, 2019 at 10:30 am at the Elgin City Offices, 104 Pine Street, Elgin, Nebraska. At that time the bidding will be closed and no other bids will be accepted for any reason. Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud and all bidders will be informed of the award of the project.
1.2. The proposed project consists of the construction of approximately 5000 linear feet of 8-inch water main, 3500 square yards of 7-inch concrete paving with curb and gutter, and approximately 3000 square yards of 5-inch PC concrete sidewalk paving, along with wet taps, directional borings, cased borings, valves, fire hydrants, ductile iron fittings, water services lines and connections, ADA accessible ramps, and all other work required to construct the project to the lines and grades shown on the plans and in these specifications.
Engineer’s Estimate of Costs – $1,250,000
1.3. The Owner intends to award one contract for all work to be performed.
1.4. The Owner will award the contract to the low, responsive bidder based on grand total bid prices, construction start and completion times, materials, and contractors past performance with the Owner and Engineer.
1.5. The Owner reserves the right to award the project including any combination of the base bid, alternates, or additions.
1.6. The Owner reserves the right to reject all bids, and to waive any irregularities in bidding.
1.7. It is the responsibility of the contractor to fully examine the plans and specifications for the project and include all labor, materials, and cost of equipment that will be included in the construction of the project.
1.8. The bidder shall not qualify bids in any manner.
1.9. Bids submitted to the owner shall remain current for a period of 30 days.
1.10. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of 35 days without written consent from the Owner.
2. Contract Documents
2.1. Shall be kept on file by the Owner and shall be made available to the public.
2.2. Bidders shall obtain a set of contract documents, plans, and specifications from Advanced Consulting Engineering Services (402) 372-1923 or via email at
2.2.1. Plans and specifications for bidding will be provided for a lump sum fee of $60 to the contractors.
2.2.2. The bidding set will include a bid form, instructions to bidders, contract documents, and construction specifications, along with an 11-inch by 17-inch set of plans.
3. Bid Security
3.1. Bidders shall submit a bid security certificate in the amount of 5% of the grand total base bid with all bids.
3.2. In lieu of a bid security certificate, the Bidders may submit a certified check in the amount of 5% of the grand total base bid. The certified check shall be made out to the Owner.
3.3. Checks and bid securities shall be returned to unsuccessful bidders.
4. Payment and Performance Bonds
4.1. The successful bidder shall be required to provide Payment and Performance Bonds in the amount of the sum of the contract.
5. Davis Bacon Act Wage Determinations
5.1. Contractors and subcontractors on USEPA federally assisted construction projects are required to pay their laborers and mechanics wages not less than those established by the U.S. Department of Labor. A current wage decision containing the appropriate building and/or heavy type rates is included in the specifications for bidding purposes.
6. Debarment and Suspension
6.1. The prospective participants must certify by submittal of EPA Form 5700-49, Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters, that to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its principals are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency.
7. Nondiscrimination in Employment
7.1. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the President’s Executive Order No. 11246. Requirements for bidders and contractors under this order are explained in the specifications.
8. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
8.1. Each bidder must fully comply with the requirements, terms and conditions of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) requirements, including the fair share objectives for disadvantaged business participation during the performance of this contract. The bidder commits itself to the fair share objective for disadvantaged business participation contained herein and all other requirements, terms and conditions of these bid conditions by submitting a properly signed bid.
PUBLISH: November 20, 27, December 4 and 11, 2019