Many Elgin FFA Students qualify for State

The Norfolk campus of Northeast Community College experienced a large gathering, of sorts, on Wednesday, March 2. Over 1,500 high school students from approximately 50 area high schools, recognized by their blue jackets and bright gold lettering, participated in the 2022 FFA District 10 Career Development Event – Ag Education Contest on Wednesday.

All the members of the Elgin FFA chapter competed in several contests at Northeast Community College. Competing in the District X Career Development Events (CDE’s) along with the other 15  schools and several hundred members  in their district, Elgin FFA members stood out in about every contest they were in. For most of the contests, only the top four teams can qualify for state, but for others it could only be the top two or three teams. The CDE contests are all team events, with each member of a four or five-person team testing or performing a skill. Individual scores are tallied, then the scores are combined. To read the story in full turn to this week’s edition of the Elgin Review.