Hinkle chosen as Samsung Boys State Recipient

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Ethan Hinkle of Elgin has been selected as the 2022 Nebraska Cornhusker Boys’ State Samsung recipient.

Worldwide electronics leader Samsung endowed a scholarship fund of $5 million to be administered by The American Legion in 1996.

Meant to show appreciation for U.S. veterans who came to Korea’s aid during its struggle against communist forces in the Korean War, the Samsung American Legion Scholarship Program established a series of scholarships derived from interest and other income from the principal amount.

Scholarship applications are restricted to high school juniors who attend the current session of either The American Legion Boys’ State or Auxiliary Girls’ State program and are a direct descendant – i.e. child, grandchild, great-grandchild, etc. – or a legally adopted child of a wartime veteran who served on active duty during at least one of the periods of war officially designated as eligibility dates for American Legion membership.

Hinkle’s application has been submitted to the National American Legion to be considered for one of the $20,000 scholarships. He is the son of Jessica and Luke Hinkle.

Since its inception in 1919, The American Legion has been a key advocate for veterans’ benefits, patriotic American values, instilling values in young people through numerous programs, and a strong nation defense with focus on quality-of-life issues for those serving in today’s armed forces.