Heithoff to take early retirement at EPS

Elgin Public Schools will be searching for a new math teacher for the 2025/26 school year.

Meeting Wednesday evening, January 15, the board accepted the early retirement application submitted by Dorothy Heithoff. She was the only District #18 teacher to submit an application. Heithoff has been a member of the teaching staff going back to the 2016/2017 when she was hired.

The vote was 4-1-1 to accept her application. Voting ‘no’ was Eric Beckman while Todd Heithoff ‘abstained.’

The only other ‘action’ item the board considered resulted in no action being taken. They discussed, at length, the replacement of windows in the fourth and fifth grade classrooms. The board, according to Superintendent Mike Brockhaus, received four bids. Three were for Anderson windows while the other was a Simonsen brand. 

While no bid amounts were discussed, one bid submitted was for tinted windows. So to get a ‘apples to apples’ comparison, the board tabled the matter so the superintendent could get the bidder to submit a bid for windows without tint.

…see more at this week’s Elgin Review.