The Elgin Volunteer Fire Department (EVFD) recently announced that they have opened an account at the Bank of Elgin for those wanting to help with the costs of the new equipment building.
Altogether, nearly $1,300 was received last week. New donations reported this week were received from Don & Nancy Selting, Dennis & Mary Dozler, Delbert & Avis Heithoff, Ray Dinslage, the Lois Sprout family, Gary & Lori Beckman, Corrine Erickson Fehringer, and Bryan & Paula Jensen.
Earlier donations were received from Alvin & Mary Helen Schrage, Bernice Roth, Frank & Clara Kamphaus, Clayton & Darlene Dozler, LeRoy & Linda Kerkman, Mark & Julie Dwyer, Jim & Chris Redding, Joe Oberbrockling, Karl & Margaret Hemsley, June Kerkman, Mark & Ellen Schmitt, James & Juliann Jochum, Don & LeeAnn Skillstad, Joe & Lori Beckman, Dallmont & Bernadine Erickson, Baum Ranch, Elgin Livestock, Red & Linda Eischeid, Darlene Schindler, Janie Score, Jim & Carol Schiltmeyer, Jim & Betty Getzfred, Students of St. Boniface School, Vince & Sandy Kallhoff, Larry & Helen Borer, Betty Salber and Betty Moser, Jim & Mary Baum, Dwaine & Sandy Kerkman, Gene & Nancy Norton, Wayne & Dona Elliott, Mike & Judy Kerkman, Lyle & Betty Mackel, George & Carol Busteed, George & Vida Sprout, Jack & Joanie Stoltz, Robert Schrage, Bob & Linda Moser, JoAnn Dinslage, Jerry & Millie Mundorf and the ABC Club of Petersburg, Hoefer Land & Cattle, Gerald & Lois Miller, Michael Moser & Gina Moser, and Delbert Niewohner.
That brings the total so far to $21,873.60.