On Monday, the Elgin Volunteer Fire Department (EVFD) announced that they have opened an account at the Bank of Elgin for those wanting to help with the costs of the new equipment building.
To kick off the fund drive, the EVFD itself has donated $5,000 and the Elgin EMTs have matched that donation with $5,000. With an overall goal of $50,000, that leave’s $40,000 that they would like to see come from the general public.
The new building, being built on the now-demolished old fire hall site adjacent to the current building, will house trucks, the ambulance plus other necessary equipment, easing the congestion for crew members. According to EVFD member Denis Henn, this will be a great relief for the department. “It will open up storage, allow faster, easier access to equipment for fast, efficient response,” he said.
With the demolition done, work to clean up and prepare the site is underway. Once actual construction starts, the building is scheduled to be completed in 120 days.
A list of names and running total of donations will be published in the Elgin Review as donations are received.