Commencement exercises for nine seniors at Elgin High School will be held Saturday evening, May 15.
The seniors will march together, down the aisle to the sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance”, before receiving their diplomas at the ceremony which is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.
Earning the title of valedictorian was Devin Brown. Before Brown gives his speech, Salutatorian Tyler Johnson will address the class, parents and friends. in the opening minutes of the program. Music selections will be performed by members of the Elgin High Choir. Scheduled to give the ‘Charge to the Class” will be Rev. Bonnie Linton Hendrick of the Elgin United Methodist Church.
Afterwards, those in attendance will be treated to a video show highlighting the senior class.
School Board President Steve Heithoff will then award diplomas to, in addition to Brown and Johnson, Jamie Bode, Travis Dozler, Justine Meis, Justin Kallhoff, Justin Reestman, Eric Vanis and Noel Voborny.
Serving as junior attendants are Jessica Heithoff and Sebastian Janssen.