Elgin FFA excel at National FFA Convention

Last week, 11 members traveled to Indianapolis for the 97th National FFA Convention. This year, Elgin FFA had several members recognized on the big stage in Lucas Oil Stadium for their accomplishments in various FFA events. 

Members attending this year’s convention were; Byrstol Buschow, Kyndal Busteed,  Samantha Durre, Libby Evans, Kyla Donaldson, Gemma Miller, Kylee Lichtenberg, Kierstyn Eisenhauer, Kaidynce Schrad and Haley Parks. Carter Beckman and his family also traveled to Indianapolis. Casey Busteed attended as a second sponsor as well. 

During the convention the group experienced all things National FFA has to offer including the career fair, shopping mall, attending sessions with around 50, 000 other FFA members, seeing the sites, and much more. It was also announced that membership in the National FFA Organization reached over 1 million members this year, with 1,027,200 student members as part of 9,235 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands!

Being recognized at the Convention for the Agriscience Fair competition were Brystol Buschow, Kaidynce Schrad, Samantha Durre and Chloe Henn. The teams were in different Agriscience fair divisions. Brystol and Kaidynce ended up with a 7th overall National FFA finish while Samantha and Chloe were 9th overall in the Nation!

Another highlight for the Elgin FFA chapter was having member Carter Beckman receive the American FFA Degree. The American FFA Degree is bestowed upon a select group of students in recognition of their years of academic and professional excellence. This year over 4,800 American Degrees were awarded. 

To be eligible, FFA members must have earned at least $10,000 or earned at least $2,000 and worked at least 2,250 hrs. outside of class time through a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program in which they own their own business, hold a professional position as an employee, or conduct research. Recipients must also complete 50 hours of community service and demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities and civic involvement through the completion of a long list of FFA and community activities.  Less than one percent of FFA members achieve the American FFA Degree.