The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services has issued a new type of card to Medicaid clients that will save the state money in printing, postage and mailing.
“The new card is similar to a private insurance card,” said Vivianne Chaumont, Director of the Division of Medicaid and Long Term Care. “It is plastic, smaller than the current document and easier for clients to carry in their wallets. Issuing a card like this, rather than a letter-sized piece of paper mailed on a monthly basis, is expected to save the Medicaid Program money in printing and mailing costs.”
The card will be issued on a one-time basis, however, lost cards can be replaced or a new card may be issued in special circumstances. The card will be given to health care providers when clients seek health care services. Providers can then use a web-based system or call one of two phone lines to verify eligibility.
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