The 2010 Alumni Volleyball and Basketball Tournament will be held February 13-14 at Elgin Public Schools.
Randy Eisenhauer and Todd Heithoff will run the tournament again this year.
The cost of the tournament will be $20 per player. T-shirts will be awarded to the champions and runner-ups in both basketball and volleyball.
Proceeds from the tournament go to support the Elgin Basketball program to offset costs of summer camps and leagues for EHS players.
For anyone intending to play, please respond a.s.a.p. If you decide not to play but would still like to donate to the Elgin Basketball programs it would be greatly appreciated. Make checks payable to Elgin Youth Basketball. They can be sent to: Randy Eisenhauer, P.O. Box 56, Elgin, N.E. 68636
Teams will set up the teams based upon the entries receive, and will try to match the graduating years as closely as possible. Once again this year, spouses may play as well. If your spouse is not EHS alumni, they will be put with the same grade as you, not with how old they are.
You may email your intentions to play as well. Contact or