Council approves ECC contribution

Minus two members, the Elgin City Council still took action on assisting the Elgin Community Club/Chamber (ECC) of Commerce to support this year’s Vetch Days celebration. Mayor Mike Schmitt joined Councilmen Leigh Kluthe and Craig Niewohner in approving a $10,000 contribution to support the organization’s summer celebration. The two-day event will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, June 10-11.

Appearing on behalf of the ECC, Gary Hoefer said a contract has been signed with River City Carnival for the two day event at a cost of $15,000. The carnival is to bring more rides (2) than last year. Hoefer said if an additional $5,000 can be raised to cover the cost of the carnival, the intent is to make it a free carnival – meaning all rides will be free to the public.

The City’s contribution will come from economic development/sales tax funds.

Hoefer said the organization would like to get more people involved. The next meeting of the ECC will be held Monday night, February 24, beginning at 7 p.m. at the former Big A building.

…see more at this week’s Elgin Review.