Meeting Monday night, the Elgin City Council approved a building permit for the Elgin Men’s Charitable Corporation (EMCC).
The approved permit was for the property just north of the Knights of Columbus Hall.
Workers were busy Tuesday morning pouring 60 foot of concrete. According to the permit, EMCC plans to install a natural gas fire pit, construct a pergola and add approved fences on both the east and west ends. As for water drainage concerns, the area will drain to the west onto Second Avenue in a similar fashion to the KC Hall.
Another building permit approved at the meeting was for KNBB to construct a 70’x70’ addition to the storage building east of the Sleepin Inn motel. After answering questions about drainage in the area, the council approved the permit.
In other action:
Kevin and Dianna Finkral, who recently purchased the home of the late Sharon Wilkinson, asked the council to reconsider allowing German Shepherd dogs inside the city limits. He then detailed the type of fence and kennels they plan to install to insure their dogs do not get out.
German shepherds are among the breeds of dogs which currently are prohibited inside the city limits. However, that could change in the coming months as the council instructed City Attorney Fritz Bartell to research and draft an ordinance to possibly allow some prohibited dogs to be kept providing owners meet confinement regulations.
In other action:
Bridge — Mayor Mike Schmitt said a bridge project on Myrtle Street will likely be completed this Fall.
Koinzan said once the bridge is completed, she will have four-foot wide sidewalk poured.
Fire hydrants — Councilman Jim Kittelson said fire hydrants in Elgin will be flushed on Wednesday night, Oct. 17.