SERVING EITHER Rib Steak or Prime Rib every Monday 6 pm – 9 pm. $10.95. Knotty Pine, 402-386-5488, Petersburg, NE. 1tfc
FULL-TIME HELP wanted. Contact Oak Creek Ranch 402-843-2451. 9tfc
FOR SALE: Split firewood. Call 402-843-5683. 15p
FOR SALE: House along Highway 14 in Elgin. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, attached garage. Call 402-843-8675. 13-17p
FOR SALE: Model 307, 7-tower Zimmatic Pivot. 1,290 ft. long. $16,500 or best offer. Located south of Clearwater. 402-851-0060. 13-15c
FOR SALE: Sunheat heaters and air purifiers. Contact Dwaine Trease. 402-485-9264. 1tfc
WANTED: GRAIN hauling. Flatbed hauling also available. Beckman Lumber 402-843-2131. 12-15c
PASSPORT PHOTOS: Official U.S. and foreign passport and Visa photos available here. Available in under ten minutes. $10 for two images. The Elgin Review, 116 South 2nd St, Elgin NE. 402-843-5500. 1tfn
CALL US for fresh flowers, plants, balloon bouquets. Will deliver to Elgin. Flower Corner, 402-887-4441 or 1-800-590-2384. 1tfc
UPS SHIPPING: Jerry’s Feed Service, Elgin, ships UPS packages Monday thru Friday. Full UPS services. ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1tfc
FOR RENT: “U” store units – 12’x22’, $45/month; 11’x12’, $30 per month. Call 402-843-5873. 1tfc
FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartment at Village Homes Apartments, Clearwater. Rental assistance available. Call 402-485-2343. 1tfc
FOR RENT: Smith’s Storage buildings, Elgin. Clean, dry and secure. Sizes 8’ x 16’ and up to 12’ x 24’. Prices start at $28/month. Contact Lee or Marie Smith. 402-843-2391. 1tfc
A sincere thank you to my family for hosting the open house celebrating my 80th birthday. I really enjoyed visiting with my family, grandchildren, great grandchildren, many relatives and friends. Also thanks to everyone for the beautiful cards I received. May God bless each of you for the wonderful day. It was great!
Eve Kallhoff
We would like to thank the Elgin Rescue Squad for their quick response. Also, Dr. Rudloff and Dr. Dilly along with the AMH nursing staff for Leora’s excellent care. We would also like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, visits and food brought to the house.
Ray & Leora Dinslage
Words cannot express our thanks to the Elgin Rescue Unit for their fast response to our call. Everybody is so well trained and show the utmost respect and courtesy for the patient. A big thank you to all the members. We think the Elgin unit is the finest around.
Eleanor & Ed Starman
Thank you to all of you who came to my retirement coffee at the Elgin Community Center. Special thanks to Park Congregational United Church of Christ for this very special day.
God Bless you!
Rev. Ray Alvidano
CCPJ would like to thank all those who donated cash or food and worked at our breakfast. A big thanks also goes out to all those people of Elgin and surrounding communities who came and supported us.