City of Elgin Wages

In accordance with Section 19-1102 of the Nebraska State Statutes, the following employee job titles and their current salaries, as of August 1, 2020, corresponding to such titles, are hereby published as follows:
Council Members…….……….…………………………..$75.00/month
Mayor & Council……………..……………….$45.00 Special Meetings
City Clerk/Treasurer….……….……………………………$2585.90/mo
Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer….……….………………………$14.00/hr
City Superintendent……………….……………………………$19.61/hr
Assistant Maintenance…………….…………………………..$17.97/hr
Swimming Pool Manager…………..……………………………14.25/hr
Asst. Pool Manager…………… ….. ……………………………10.00/hr
Lifeguards…………………………………………….Starting @.9.00/hr
Seasonal Employees…………………………………Starting @9.00/hr
City of Elgin /s/ Vicki S. Miller City Clerk
PUBLISH: August 12, 2020 ZNEZ