Development of a new water well for the City of Elgin took a step forward last week.
At an emergency meeting of the Elgin City Council on May 5, the council approved plans to proceed with a test well, following the recommendation of City Engineer John Zwingman. One day earlier, a crew from Sargent Irrigation drilled a test hole in which it came up positive. A water source was believed to have been found approximately 350-380 feet deep which, according to Sargent’s Doug Yancy, could possibly pump 300-400 gallons per minute.
Zwingman told the council that the water quality cannot be determined unless there is a test well installed to pump the water out for sampling. The cost of the test hole is approximately $7,000 and the estimated cost to turn the test hole into a test well would be close to $28,000.
There would be additional costs. Zwingman said that once the well was installed they would take a sample and do a basic scan for $266. If the results show everything to be “good,” another sample would be taken and sent in for a full scan which would cost about $6,000.
It will take approximately three to four weeks to get the test well ready to pump.
One day earlier, at their regular meeting, the council made plans for the annual Elgin Cleanup Day to be held later this month.
City Clerk Vicki Miller said two large dumpsters have been ordered for the event which will be held Saturday, May 30.
Unlike previous years, the Elgin Community Club will not be canvassing the community to pick up items. It will be the responsibility of every citizen in the community to make arrangements to take their items to the dumpsters.
Due to the absence of funding, there won’t be any household hazardous waste pickup this year.
For the complete story, see the print edition of The Elgin Review