City exploring options for lagoon system

Could a lagoon system be put in place in the near future to address the issue of the aging wastewater treatment plant?

The Elgin City Council discussed potential lagoon layout and location requirements with City Engineer John Zwingman when they held their regular monthly meeting last week.

The council was informed that if they decide to move forward with a lagoon system, Zwingman said here are the things they need to keep in mind when finding a location:

1) Don’t go too far away from Elgin. Zwingman said “it’s best” to stay within a three-mile radius. The location needs to be a minimum of one quarter of a mile from residents and the established city limits.

2) Possible sites — The new lagoon should be based on a 300-day storage and land application. Zwingman presented the council and Mayor Mike Schmitt with maps for possible locations, to show where models would fit best. Some, he said, would consist of different configurations.

…see more at this week’s Elgin Review.