City Approves New Downtown Street LIghts

While work continues on installing a new water line along much of Second Avenue in Elgin, another project is being considered which could further add curbside appeal to our community.
A special meeting of the Elgin City Council was held last week to consider the addition of new street lights. Electrician Bruce Clark said the new street lights would be located on both sides of Second Avenue from City Limits north several blocks.
Clark was quick to point out the bid sheet he submitted to the council (in excess of $116,000) was for 33 lights. That number will likely be cut down to seven lights per block (four on one side, three on the other).
It was noted, during the hour-long meeting that the City of Elgin could receive donations from clubs, businesses and organizations which could be used to purchase individual street lights. And, donors could have a plaque placed on the street light as a means of recognition for purchasing the street light. Clark said the Elgin Community Club would be willing to support the light pole campaign, and added he was confident other donations would be received as well.
The decorative post tops (see photo) would, if approved, be placed atop fluted aluminum poles. Clark said the street lights would be approximately 19 feet (16’ poles, 3’ lights) off the ground. To be determined is the necessary lumens to adequately illuminate Second Avenue. Clark is going to work with City Engineer John Zwingman to determine the necessary lumens required by the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR).
If the light poles are approved, they would eventually be equipped with the necessary accessories to hold flags and banners.
The council voted to continue consideration of the project, gathering more information.
Time is of the essence as the goal would be to do the light pole bases when the new sidewalks are poured, if possible. The Council will meet again today, Wednesday, July 1, at noon at City Hall to further discuss the matter.
Workers from Rutjens Construction continue to make their way north on Second Avenue, preparing the east side for a new water line and on the west side to make connections to existing buildings. When completed, by the end of the summer, there will be new curb, gutter and sidewalks to improve the appearance of downtown. UPDATED INFORMATION-The lighting project has since been approved. The Elgin Community Club has initiated a fund raising campaign to assist with the project.