City approves drilling new test water well

water faucet

Meeting Monday night, the Elgin City Council took another step forward in their search for a new water well.

With the newest city well, developed not that many years ago, not producing the volume they hoped for, the council has decided to look for a new location.

City Engineer John Zwingman said he will be in contact with Sargent Irrigation to see when a test well can be done. “The cost for drilling the well, an initial test pump and initial sampling will be $48,108,” he said. Then it will take a number of weeks to get the test results back (looking for contaminants like arsenic, etc.). If the results coming back are good, Zwingman said the test well will be repumped for 48 hours, taking samples every six hours. Those samples will be sent in to test for 90 contaminants. The cost of the repump and second scan could be upwards to $28,000.

At the location being considered, Zwingman said “we do know there’s good water quantity there.”

In other action:

Storm sewer project — On a three-to-one vote (Councilman Leigh Kluthe voting ‘no’), the council approved going forward with the Pine Street Storm Sewer Project to be done by Rutjens Construction.

New fireman — Approved as the newest member of the Elgin Volunteer Fire Department was Camryn Pelster, a 2023 graduate from Elgin Public Schools.

Approved — A special designated liquor permit for the ECC’s End of Summer Steak Fry at Elgin City Park. The date for the party is Friday, August 11.