The Elgin Public School hosted the Red Cross Bloodmobile on April 13, 2010. This was the first time we, here at Elgin have had the chance to use the double red cell machine. More information about the machine will be made available before our next drive.
The goal was 61 units, we received 58 productive units, so it was a pretty good day. There were a few award pins handed out, George Busteed – 20 gallons, Jeane Johnson – 13 gallons, Ron Scholl – 11 gallons, Deb Jones – four gallons, Steve Heithoff – four gallons, Steve Thompson – four gallons, Linda Kerkman – three gallons.
There were seven first time donors. They were: Alann Braband, Travis Dozler, Patrick Beres, Nathan Anderson, Noel Voborny, Cortny Meis, and Brieann Grosserode.
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