After thinking the culvert problem along Bowen Street had been resolved, the Elgin City Council was forced to re-address the issue Wednesday night at a special meeting.
The special meeting was called to discuss the bid from Rutjens Construction which, according to information from City Hall, was worded incorrectly resulting in a misinterpretation of the bid which was accepted at the Oct. 5 regular meeting.
Tom Rutjens of Rutjens Construction explained how he had received prices on new PCV pipe to install the pipe all the way to Highway 14. The new pipe would cost $32.25 per foot, making the cost of the project exceed $44,000.
If 280 feet of used pipe, along with 460 feet of new pipe, were used on the project, the cost would be just over $42,000.
Rutjens told the Council members he had only 280 feet of used pipe available.
Reluctant earlier this month to proceed with the cost considerably less, the Council decided that going all the way to Highway 14 would now be too costly.
The approximate cost to go from Pollock’s culvert west 355 feet would be $20,110.
Again, Rutjens said that half the cost could be paid this fiscal year with the other half being paid the next fiscal year. Also, he said if the project was approved, work would begin soon before the weather became too cold.
After more discussion, the Council voted 3-1 to go from Pollock’s culvert approximately 355 feet west with new PCV pipe. Voting ‘nay’ was Councilman Mike Schmitt.