Antelope County 4-H has new fundraisers

Two hogs and a bull….

No, this isn’t the beginning of a joke but a tale of how animals are contributing to the future comfort of 4-Hers and comfort and health of other animals at the Antelope County Fairgrounds. 

Over two years ago, a fund drive began to raise money for the construction of the Antelope County 4-H Youth Enrichment Center. Plans are for it to house archery events along with small animals – poultry, rabbits and more.

As time passes before the build can begin (slated to start following next week’s county fair), the construction costs are rising. In response to these increases, two new fundraisers have been launched. This is where the two hogs and a bull come in.

The Antelope County 4-H is currently selling tickets where four lucky ticket holders will win half of a processed hog. The two hogs – giving the ultimate sacrifice for the cause – were donated by the Ryan and Koryn Koinzan and Terry and Rachel Frey families. Tickets are just $10 each or 3 for $20. To purchase, contact Anne Meis (402-843-8449) or Rhonda Meyer (402-750-6006) and tickets will be available at the Antelope County Fair from any committee member.

Now for the bull….Howdy Doody is doing his “doody” for the cause again. The Watusi African bull, owned by Lee and Rhonda Meyer of rural Neligh, has again lended his likeness on t-shirts and sweatshirts. While a well-known and long-time fixture in Antelope county, Howdy Doody caused a stir last summer when Lee was pulled over by a Norfolk police officer while driving his car customized to haul Howdy Doody as a passenger. The incident went viral and made a celebrity out of Howdy Doody. These would also be a great gift item for your “city” family and friends. The apparel may be viewed and purchased at or scan the QR code. 

Along with these fundraisers, donations continue to be accepted. If you would like to contribute, please send your donation to: 

Antelope County 4-H Extension

501 Main St. Stu B9

Neligh NE  68756

Checks should be written to Neligh Community Fund with a designation to Youth Enrichment Center or donate online at