This week members of the Elgin community will receive a notice in the mail from the Elgin Volunteer Fire Department (EVFD).
The letter will be to thank residents for past support and ask for continued support in the future. Contributions received from the community are used to keep up on training and to update equipment with the latest in technology to keep the community safe when called upon.
During the past year, EVFD has been able to update one pumper/fast attack apparatus and a number of other pieces of equipment including personal protective equipment, hoses and nozzles. These purchases would not be possible without the financial support of the community. Some interesting facts about the past year: EVFD members provided the following services to the community:
• 15 fire/emergency calls totaling 197 hours
• 310 man-hours of training
• Storm watches — 12 hours
• Three new members taking Fire Fighter 1 Certification — 300 hours
• 39 community member volunteers ready to respond when called upon
• Assisting EMTs on ambulance calls