Proceedings — Antelope County Supervisors

Neligh, Nebraska
June 12, 2012
Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s office and are open to the public.
Those responding to roll call: Brandt, Schwager, Baker, Williby, Henery and Kerkman.  Bolling appeared later.
Approved the following claims for payment.  We, the Committee on Claims, report that we have examined and approved for payment the following claims:
GENERAL FUND: Joseph Abler, ex, 179.12; Mark Albin, ex, 1321.45; Antelope Co Dist Court, ex, 105.00; Antelope Co Attorney, petty cash, 74.96; Antelope Co Court, ex, 569.75; Antelope Co Resource Center, ex, 2242.00; Antelope Co Sheriff, ex, 1084.61; Appeara, ex, 74.40; AS Central Finance, ex, 629.50; Big Red Motorsports, ex, 24.99; Nancy Bitney, ex, 30.00; Bob Barker Co, ex, 752.95; Body Works, ex, 104.00; Bomgaars, ex, 59.93; Braun Pest Control, ex, 25.00; Dean Brown, ps, 25.00; Carhart Lumber, ex, 12.63; Carney Law, ex, 3234.77; Char Carpenter, mlg, ex, 48.29; Ardith Carr, ex, 14.00; Duane Childer, ex, 46.62; Elgin City, ex, 250.00; Neligh City, ut, 2603.92; Consolidated Management, ex, 27.50; Cornhusker State Industries, ex, 540.00; Creighton News, ex, 487.50; Cubby’s, ex, 216.45; Dean’s Mkt, ex, 22.35; Beck Dewey, ex, 20.00; Dollar General, ex, 38.25; Julie Drobny, ex, 47.94; Eakes Office, ex, 12.99; James Egley, ex, 50.00; Elgin Rescue Service, ex, 443.41; Elgin Review, ex, 519.90; Elite Office Products, ex, 247.32; Fairfield Inn, ex, 179.90; Frontier Communications, ut, 2008.22; Gas Rite, ex, 2119.80; Green Line Equip, ex, 3812.88;  Anita Hall, mlg, 314.12; Mike Hart, mlg, 24.42; Lynne Heithoff, mlg, 49.95; Hi, Way Mart, ex, 46.50; Nadene Hughes, ps, 14.00; Indoff, ex, 36.26; Jack’s Uniform, ex, 943.00; Johnson, Morland, Easland & Lohrberg, ex, 390.00; Jonny Dodge, ex, 92.70; Frank Kamphaus, ps, 16.00; Kirk Knapp, mlg, 49.95; Kumm Gas, ex, 129.95; Lancaster Co Sheriff, ex, 57.54; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 1054.36; Willetta Lindsay, ex, 95.22; Madison Co Sheriff, ex, 167.26; Gerald Maple, ps, 20.00; Ron Marshall, mlg, 41.63; Don Meadows, mlg, 5.00; Microfilm Imaging, ex, 87.00; MIPS, ex, 662.44; Robert Moore, ex, 35.68; Moyer’s Dept Store, ex, 1490.00; MPH Industries, ex, 559.85; Greg Mullins, mlg, 116.58; Nebr Advance Sheets, ex, 200.00; Nebr Co Attorney, ex, 657.00; Nebr Crime Commission, ex, 37.50; NE Health & Human Services, ex, 90.00; Nebr Law Enforcement, ex, 190.00; Neligh Computer Service, ex, 1235.18; Neligh News, ex, 1345.23; Neligh Police Dept, ex, 165.00; NEREC, ex, 27.82; NE Nebr Juvenile Services, ex, 1003.75; Office Systems, ex, 840.00; OK Tire, ex, 68.00; Orchard News, ex, 423.29; Donna Payne, ps, 25.00; Carolyn Pedersen, ex, 3.05; Plainview News, ex, 560.63; Precision Repair, ex, 623.50; Quill Corp, ex, 872.68; Ramada Inn, ex, 142.00; Cindy Rath, ex, 34.30; Nitasha Rath, ex, 25.50; Xacjare Rath, ex, 59.60; Reliable Office Supplies, ex, 857.32; Robinson Textiles, ex, 132.22; Royal One Stop, ex, 45.00; Sanne Repair, ex, 5799.83; Marlene Schindler, ex, 454.93; 7th Judicial Mental Health Board, ex, 252.54;  Sheriff, petty cash, ex, 118.35; Caroline Siems, ps, 25.00; Jay Snider, ex, 75.00; Sorlien Electric, ex, 25.84; Source Gas, ut, 397.68; Leland Stokes, ps, 10.00; Text & Data Techologies, ex, 1000.00; The Station, ex, 233.56; Thriftway Mkt, ex, 509.03; Tilden Citizen, ex, 401.50; Neligh Postmaster, ex, 243.20; UNL IS Communications, ex, 12.95; US Cellular, ut, 152.54; Clearwater Village, ut, 250.00; Visa, ex, 461.03; Wanek Drug, ex, 261.07; Western Office Plus, ex, 24.28; Rod Wilke, mlg, 373.52; Dave Wright, mlg, 10.00; Larry Baker, mlg, 116.83; Pinnacle Bank, ex, 28.00; Pitney Bowes, ex, 3000.00; Merlin Bolling, mlg, 82.70; Harlan Brandt, mlg, 202.58; Charles Henery, mlg, 76.59; LeRoy Kerkman, mlg, 71.04; Neil Williby, mlg, 84.36; Jerald Schwager, mlg, 298.72
ROAD & BRIDGE: (Brunswick Area) Bazile Aggregate, ex, 6570.00; Bomgaars, ex, 60.48; Frontier Communications, ut, 68.16; Green Line Equip, ex, 331.15; Key Sanitation, ut, 18.00; Kumm Gas, ex, 5357.40; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 3710.11; North Central Public Power, ut, 129.78; Murphy Tractor Powerplan, ex, 9333.34; Schoenauer Garage, ex, 38.80; Brunswick Village, ut, 37.50 (Orchard Area) Farmer’s Pride, ex, 4288.56; Frontier Communications, ut, 57.68; Green Line Equip, ex, 378.82; Horstmann Electric, ex, 180.34; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 1432.33; North Central Public Power, ut, 54.27; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 3109.40; Royal One Stop, ex, 257.34; Source Gas, ut, 110.92; T, J’s Corner Hardware, ex, 120.96 (Clearwater Area) Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 102.01; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 3335.70; Hinrichsen Sand, ex, 1901.66; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 10.00; Matteo Sand, ex, 208.88; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 1388.40; NE Nebr Telephone, ut, 49.91; Source Gas, ut, 93.50; Texaco, ex, 266.72; Clearwater Village, ut, 52.50 (Neligh Area) Bomgaars, ex, 12.99; Cubby’s, ex, 179.20; Frontier Communications, ut, 53.72; Nebraska Exchange, ex, 485.74; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 11.67; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 2596.43; Advanced Energy Fuel, ex, 3206.00 (Tilden Area) Black Hills Energy, ut, 29.78; Carhart Lumber, ex, 11.87; Constellation Energy Gas, ut, 26.91; Frontier Communications, ut, 57.48; Nebr Machinery, ex, 16.78; Nebr Public Power, ut, 130.42; Advanced Energy Fuels, ex, 3083.94 (Oakdale Area) Great Plains Communications, ut, 78.82; Hinrichsen Sand  & Gravel, ex, 524.16; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 212.86; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 166.96; Mr S’s, ex, 308.83; Nebr Public Power, ut, 35.61; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 42.50; Source Gas, ut, 89.92; Oakdale Village, ut, 12.75; Advanced Energy Fuesl, ex, 1569.14 (Elgin Area) Elgin Auto Parts, ex, 7.08; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 54.77; Great Plains Communications, ut, 50.57; Nebr Machinery, ex, 220.15; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 658.42; Sapp Brother, ex, 2831.66; Source Gas, ut, 66.79; Town & Country Hardware, ex, 44.90  (At Large) Antelope Co Register of Deeds, ex, 170.50; Appeara, ex, 170.64; B’s Enterprises, ex, 10,507.65; Beaver Bearing, ex, 1072.48; Blackburn Mfg, ex, 907.65; Bomgaars, ex, 336.98; Creston Fert, ex, 1552.70; Cubby’s, ex, 82.65; Dollar General, ex, 22.50; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 318.12; Fastenal Co, ex, 80.57; Jerry Finkral, ex, 43.02; Island Supply, ex, 229.49; Eli Jacob, ex, 170.00; Jebro Inc, ex, 11,936.63; JEO Consulting, ex, 6166.00; Jonny Dodge, ex, 2212.25; Kayton Inl, ex, 261.67; Kelly Supply, ex, 2695.38; Kumm Gas, ex, 680.41; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 25.00; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 840.96; Mid, West Service, ex, 9528.67; Medical Enterprises, ex, 93.00; Mr S’s, ex, 187.22; Murphy Tractor, ex, 7765.00; Nebr Machinery, ex, 1831.17; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 97.72; Newman Traffic, ex, 1755.64; Noble Industrial, ex, 403.82; Nebr Machinery, ex, 35.00; OK Auto, ex, 19.42; OK Tire, ex, 104.49; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 484.68; Murphy Tractor Powerplan, ex, 194.23; Praxair, ex, 142.50; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 1791.77; Rutjens Construction, ex, 2455.00; Sanne Service, ex, 292.08; Seier Electric, ex, 50.00; Switzer Welding, ex, 1971.01; Texaco, ex, 1804.02; The Station, ex, 310.49; Tinsley Grain, ex, 357.76; Advanced Energy Fuels, ex, 8165.02; John Hruby, ex, 1505.00
REAPPRAISAL FUND: County Assessors Assn, ex, 50.00; Nebr Assn County Officials, ex, 85.00; Quill Corp, ex, 154.48; Gene Schaaf, ex, 147.84
VISITORS PROMOTION FUND: Orchard Community Club, ex, 300.00
VISITORS IMPROVEMENT FUND: Neligh Young Men’s Club, ex, 1500.00
BUILDING FUND: Joe Eischeid, ex, 665.00; Flenniken Plumbing, ex, 171.15; Overhead Door, ex, 978.00
WEED CONTROL FUND: Antelope Co Sheriff, ex, 82.57; Bomgaars, ex, 140.84; Neligh City, ut, 79.16; Bryan Cornett, ex, 33.30; Creston Fertilizer, ex, 1380.058; Cubby’s, ex, 660.29; Dollar General, ex, 62.50; Elgin Review, ex, 54.00; Frontier Communications, ut, 115.94; Robert Hofacker, mlg, 14.43; Edward Jensen, mlg, 33.92; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 26.00; Bruce Ofe, ex, 10.00; Orchard News, ex, 54.00; Source Gas, ut, 49.80; Chuck Thiemann, ex, 100.00; Van Diest Supply, ex, 2621.00; Verizon Wireless, ut, 54.43; David Willats, mlg, 76.60
GENERAL FUND PAYROLL: Total Wages, 67,024.19; WH, 6574.06; SS, 11,285.92; ST, 2372.40; Ameritas, ret, 9964.59; Ameritas, ins, 390.76; BC/BS, ins, 43,543.43; Colonial Life, ins, 90.92; 1st Concord Benefits, ins, 293.33; Garnishment, 50.00; Madison National, ins, 110.40; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 255.00; Washington National, ins, 589.70
ROAD & BRIDGE PAYROLL: Total Wages, 44,787.23; WH, 4140.92; SS, 7649.82; ST, 1559.54; Ameritas, ret, 6327.38; Ameritas, ins, 233.20; AFLAC, ins, 333.85; BC/BS, ins, 24,046.89; Colonial Life, ins, 64.80; Garnishment, 1222.73; Madison National, ins, 87.79; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 135.00; Washington National, ins, 24.90
WEED CONTROL PAYROLL:  Total Wages, 7170.25; WH, 940.56; SS, 1229.99; ST, 279.81; AFLAC, ins, 65.65; Ameritas, ret, 837.47; Ameritas, ins, 25.92; BC/BS, ins, 1307.66; Madison National, ins, 3.20; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 7.50; Washington National, ins, 20.10
Reviewed correspondence.
Reviewed the May miscellaneous fee report.
Reviewed the May treasurers fund balance report.
Authorized the chairman to sign the amendment to the Subgrant Agreement for Child Support Enforcements Services.
Approve the Nebraska Association of County Officials first half dues in the amount of $1534.61.
Set the NIRMA deductible for all coverage at $1,000.00.
Reviewed the road departments Job Descriptions.
Accepted the estimate from Environmental Services, Norfolk, Nebraska for the installation of the Radon Mitigation System.
Appointed the County Attorney as the negotiator for the Clearwater North Bridge Project.
Heard an update from the Antelope County Libraries Association; approved no change in the funding for the libraries.
No action taken on the Elkhorn Rural Public Power District payment.
Approved the windrow for the Clearwater North Bridge Project.
No action taken on the Oakdale District insurance settlement.
Approved the application for permit to place a permanent electric line beneath 531 Avenue, Grant Township.
Added the wording on the under ground permits stating that it is the applicants responsibility to properly sign the road for safety.
Discussed pre-paying for oil.
Approved the request from the Orchard Community Club for $300.00 from the County Promotional Fund.
Approved the request from the Neligh Young Men’s Club for $1500.00 from the County Improvement Fund.
Heard from representatives with Nebraska Public Power District regarding upgrading the transmission lines.
Meeting adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Supervisors
LeRoy Kerkman /s/
Chairman of County Board
Attest: Carolyn Pedersen /s/
Antelope County Clerk
Publish: June 20, 2012