The Upper Elkhorn NRD Board of Directors held a public hearing on Monday, September 13, to receive testimony on the proposed changes to the NRDs Groundwater Management Plan (GWMP) Rules and Regulations. Testimony was given by Gregg Felker, Chairman of the UENRD Water Resources and Watershed Committee in support of the changes. Felker outlined those changes which were drafted in an effort to protect existing water users, the development of ground water models and allow future ground water development while protecting ground water supplies. Changes pertained to Rules 15, 20, 21, 22 and 25.
Rule 15 allows for cooperators to complete their Nitrogen Management Certification by means of a take home test. Rule 20 pertains to when a ground water well withdraws 500 acre feet of water it will need to have a hydrological evaluation of the aquifer system. This rule was developed to evaluate the aquifer system and to determine if it can support that type of pumping and the impacts to surrounding users within a two mile radius. Rule 21 was developed when the district adopted the Rules for LB483 acre expansion and outlines when a flowmeter is required. This rule was created because the NRD is lacking the actual amount of ground water withdrawals from wells pumping more than 50 gallons per minute.
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