Regular Meeting
EPS Board Room
March 12, 2025, 7:30 PM
President Lisa Welding called the regular March Meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. The board members present were Eric Beckman, Ron Bode, Steve Busteed, Todd Heithoff, Luke Hinkle, and Lisa Welding. Also present were Principal Greg Wemhoff and Supt. Mike Brockhaus.
President Welding led the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Welding reminded everyone that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Law was posted in the meeting room.
School board meeting notice complied with Meeting Notice Policy #204.07. Posting was done on the High School building window and post office bulletin board.
Todd Heithoff motioned, and Steve Busteed seconded to approve the Consent Agenda: #4 – Minutes of Previous Meeting, #5 – Adopt the Agenda, #6 – Financial Report, #7 – Board Bills. Motion carried, vote 6-0.
Amazon, $179.50; Appeara, Maintenance, $462.42; Applied Connective Technologies, Business Expense, $156.00; Beckman Lumber, Instru Expense, $263.00; Bishop Business, Business Expense, $154.80; Black Hills Energy, maintenance, $3,916.50; Boone County Clerk, Board Expense, $200.00; Carolina Biological, Instru Expense, $308.66; Computer Hardware, Instru Expense, $3,854.00; COR Therapeutic, Instru Expense, $1,675.00; Corner Service & Tire, Transportation, $179.88; Dean’s Market , Instru Expense, $13.26; Eakes, Maintenance, $1,299.45; ESU #8, SpEd Expense, $55,588.50; Elgin One Stop, Transportation, $2,327.51, Maintenance, $236.46; Elgin Review, board Expense, $388.08; Elkhorn RPPD, Maintenance, $2,563.11; GO Physical Therapy, SpEd Expense, $1,830.45; Great America Financial Svcs, business Expense, $602.06; Great Plains Communication, business Expense, $344.02; Hometown Station, Transportation, $970.26; Island Supply, Instru Expense, $98.56; Jonny Dodge, Transportation, $62.37; MidAmerican Research Co., maintenance, $2,618.35; NASB, Admin Expense, $240.00; Olson’s Pest Technicians, Maintenance, $105.00; OneSource, Business Expense, $24.00; Overland Rehab, SpEd Expense, $639.95; School Specialty, Business Expense, $349.44; TMS, Business Expense, $67.98; Veik, Meghan, SpEd Expense, $88.20; US Bank, $662.40; WageWorks, Instru Expense, $139.25; Waste Connections, Business Expense, $23.00; Wells Fargo, $151.57
Total Board Bills: $82,782.99
Payroll: $265,252.65
Total Board Bills/ Payroll: $348,035.64
President Welding recognized visitors and asked if the patrons had any comments.
In committee reports, Americanism Committee reported that they met earlier this evening to review the checklist.
Principal Wemhoff reported on previous events and upcoming calendar events.
In the Superintendent report, Mr. Brockhaus reported that schools are allowed to start selling items that were purchased with ESSER funds. Also reported that Ainsworth will be joining the NVC Conference starting next school year.
Heithoff motioned to approve the bid for nine doors and four gate access points from Applied Connective for $45,240.97. Bode seconded the motion. Vote 5-0, Beckman abstained. Motion carried.
Busteed motioned; Hinkle seconded to approve the moving of the IT Rack in the coach’s office from Applied Connective for $2302.99. Vote 5-0, Beckman abstained. Motion carried.
Heithoff motioned; Welding seconded to approve the first reading of NASB recommended updated Title IX Non-Discrimination Policy 504.24; Title IX Reporting Form 504.24E1; and Title IX Nondiscrimination Procedures 504.24R1. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Beckman motioned, Busteed seconded to approve the second reading of the updated Policy 504.02R1 Elgin Public School testing and Honor Awards. Vote 6-0 motioned carried.
Busteed motioned, Hinkle seconded to approve the technology purchases for the 2025-2026 school year as presented minus one yearbook lab computer approximately $50,041.25. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Motion by Bode, second by Beckman to adjourn the meeting. Vote 6-0, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on April 9, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the Elgin Public School Board Room.
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Bode, Secretary
Jessica Niewohner, Recorder
-This is a draft copy and does not become official Elgin Public Board minutes until approved at the next regular or advertised meeting.
PUBLISH: March 19, 2025