Just as the wind blows on the plains year after year, Elgin and area residents come out on Memorial Day, some to remember and other to never forget the cost of freedom.
Memorial Day was observed at cemeteries across the county and country. At Park Cemetery then later at the Elgin cemeteries north of town, fallen heroes who served their country were remembered.
At Park, Paige (Redding) Ringhoff spoke about the “Gettysburg Address” by President Abraham Lincoln.
Noting how the Battle of Gettysburg was the deadliest battle of the American Civil War, with between 45,000 and 51,000 lives lost between the two armies.
“The Gettysburg Address is essentially a memorial speech and while the American Civil War ended 159 years ago, President Lincoln’s words still hold relevance today.
In between passages of the speech, Mrs. Ringhoff shared parallels between then and today.
“Much like those who gathered on that November afternoon at Gettysburg, we gather here on Memorial Day to remember our fallen; those who gave the ultimate sacrifice; those who answered a call to a purpose greater than themselves … But the sacrifices of these brave men and women should serve as a reminder and awaken a realization among we the living that we too have a purpose greater than ourselves.”
Referencing the line in Lincoln’s speech where he spoke of ‘these dead shall not have died in vain,” Ringhoff spoke of the purpose being to make this world a better place. “A place where war is no longer necessary. A place where the sacrifices we have gathered to honor are no longer required. A place where the strife and tumult of war become the horrors of the past. These men and women have died that we might live in a place of freedom and safety. It is our duty to honor that sacrifice by ensuring that we continue to live in a place of freedom, safety, unity and peace.
“We are not called to live in apathy, blind and uncaring. Instead we are called as Timothy was called in Timothy 1:18 – Timothy, my son, I give you this instructions in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, holding onto the faith and a good conscience.”
Not long after the conclusion of the program at Park Cemetery, residents from near and father gathered for the program at West Cedar Valley/St. Boniface cemeteries north of Elgin. After the Elgin High School band, under the direction of Eric Heithoff, performed music fitting for the occasion.
Afterwards, Rev. Jonathan Braden gave a moving speech to the large gathering.
“This day is a day of remembrance. A day that we revere and we sincerely think about in the memory of our fallen heroes. To be a soldier is the greatest honor any American could ever have. You have chosen to take on the calling to endure any kind of suffering and to even give up your own life so that the lives of many may be spared.
We are a blessed country because our country is unique. We are a country that has chosen to be a country that takes pride in it’s freedom. And as the saying goes, “Freedom is never free.”
Braden then turned his thoughts to families – mothers and fathers, husbands and wives.
“For us to accomplish said freedom, men and women take on the call in service despite the idea of leaving their families and children behind and possibly never seeing them again. Many fathers have lost sons, and many mothers have lost daughters. Many husbands have lost wives and many wives have lost husbands. But one thing we can remember is that we serve a God who loves those who serve and those who have fallen in service.”
Using scripture to back up his words, Braden called Jesus Christ the greatest soldier.
“The Lord loves the soldiers because they make the choice to surrender their lives to God for the greater good. They are willing to let go of the civilian life and dream and instead die so that dream can live on through others. I believe God counts those deaths in heaven and remembers every single one in honor and glory.
Braden, pastor at Elgin Christian Community Church, closed his remarks by saying, “To be a soldier is a noble and crucial role to serving Christ. To be a believer is considered like that to being a soldier. A life of sacrifice and willingness to surrender ones freedom so that we can save the freedoms of others.
“We are blessed to serve Christ who made the ultimate sacrifice for us, so that we also can have our freedoms. The freedom to choose death or life. The freedom to choose heaven or hell. In the same way, Jesus gave up his life so that we may have life and salvation. He gave up his rights so that we can have ours. We serve a king that loves our soldiers, because he himself is the greatest soldier that ever lived.
“God bless our living and fallen soldiers, and God bless America.”