April Meeting
April 10, 2023
The Wheeler Central Board of Education Regular Board Meeting was held April 10, 2023. Chairperson Kasselder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and pointed out the location of the Open Meetings Act poster. The roll was called with the following present: Dennis Derner, Andrew Smith, Drew Kasselder, Zach Wright, and Jessie Swick. Absent: Adam Freouf. Derner made a motion to excuse the absence of Adam Freouf. Seconded by Smith. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Kasselder – aye, Swick – aye, Derner – aye. Also present were Dan Kluver, Makayla Reiter, and Andrea Pelster.
Wright made the motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Kasselder – aye, Swick – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.
AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES Transportation; Supply/Maintenance Supply, 206.24; APPLIED CONNECTIVE TECHNOLOGIES, Tech Support, 150.00; BARNHILL PIANO TUNING, Elementary Supply, 250.00; Best Books, Inc., Media Supply, 17.99; CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING HAL, Supply, 90.66; CEV, Secondary Supply, 137.50; CHAMBERS WHEELER CENTRAL, Spring 2023, 5,000.00; EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #8, SPED/Elementary Supply, 9,758.98; ELGIN REVIEW, Publishing, 239.49; ENVIROMENTAL PROTECTION, Maintenance Inspection, 1,200.00; FILAMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICES, Tech Service, 2,381.00; FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES, Library Supply, 665.02; HIATT, LARRY, Rule 10 Safety Review, 250.00; HILLYARD/SIOUX FALLS, Maintenance Supply, 556.08; HONORBOUND IT, Network, 300.00; KLUVER, MICHELLE, Transportation Driving, 16.00; KSB SCHOOL LAW, Supt. Supply, 750.00; LA QUINTA BY WYDHAM, Supt. Room, 119.00; LOUP VALLEY R.P.P.D., Electricity, 2,421.28; MCI, Phone Service, 56.00; MENARDS, Maintenance & Tech Supply, 165.57; MSM ENTERPRISES, LLC, OT Services, 1,578.09; NASCO, Secondary Supply, 134.70; NEBRASKA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS, NASB Membership, 2,782.00; NEBRASKA SAFETY CENTER, Transportation Class, 1,867.44; NEU YOU PHYSICAL THERAPY, PC, Physical Therapy Service, 79.00; NORTHEAST NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO, Phone Service, 293.87; PEAP, Academic Awards, 153.78; POKORNY, KAREN, Transportation Fuel, 64.89; RAMSEY EDUCATION, Curriculum Supply, 970.35; RODEO MARKET, Early Childhood Supply, 185.02; SAPP BROTHERS, Heating Propane, 3,020.96; SPELTS LUMBER CO., Maintenance Supply, 172.42; STUDENT ASSURANCE SERVICES, INC., Insurance, 500.00; TIME MANAGEMENENT SYSTEMS, INC., Time Clock Service, 35.00; TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES, Copier Lease, 335.00; VILLAGE OF BARTLETT, Utilities, 1,363.98;W E MART, Transportion Fuel/Maintenance, Supply/Instructional Supply, 14,918.74; WELLS FARGO EQUIPMENT FINANCE INC., Transportation Lease, 6,613.00
Total 59,799.05
Chairperson Kasselder welcomed the visitors and opened the floor for public comment. No comment was held.
No Staff Report was given.
No Maintenance Report was given.
Principal Reiter gave the Transportation Report and Principal Report. She updated the Board on new SPED transportation happening within our district. Updates were given on activities happening within the school, such as track, golf, prom, state FFA, and State Testing. The Farm Bureau is hosting a Human Trafficking Speaker in the gym on Thursday, April 13th at 6:30 p.m. The Spring Concert will be held Friday, April 14th at 7:00 p.m. Northeast Community College Swing Choir will perform at Wheeler Central Thursday, April 27th at 10 a.m.
Superintendent Kluver updated the board on the Job Fair and conferences he attended during the Superintendent Report. He also noted that the Annual Renewal for ALICAP has been submitted.
During the Board Report, Derner had suggested getting quotes on fuel from other entities. Kasselder gave an update on the land survey, CWC uniforms, and Community Development Grants.
Wright made a motion to approve the purchase and installation of new door control systems and keypads for the buildings. Seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Kasselder – aye, Swick – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.
Swick made a motion to finalize bids for updating restrooms in the Cafeteria Building. Seconded by Wright. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Kasselder – aye, Swick – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.
Wright reported on the requirements teachers are implementing at Wheeler Central to meet the Americanism Requirements.
Principal Reiter gave an update on the Annual Multicultural Education Reports.
Smith made a motion to approve up to $6000 of ESSER III funds for Summer School Services. Seconded by Wright. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Kasselder – aye, Swick – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding NASB support for Strategic Planning.
Swick made a motion to allow Mr. Kluver to negotiate an interlocal agreement with Hemingford Schools for Spanish instruction. Seconded by Smith. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Kasselder – aye, Swick – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.
Swick made a motion to approve Justine Smith as a local substitute teacher. Seconded by Derner. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – abstain, Kasselder – aye, Swick – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.
The deposit towards the CWC account was approved in the Consent Agenda.
Policy 5045 was tabled until May. Wright made a motion to adopt Board Policy 5055 as discussed and presented. Seconded by Derner. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Kasselder – aye, Swick – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.
Swick made a motion to adopt the following Board Policies as presented: 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5028 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5046 5048 5049 5050 5052 5053 5054 5056 5057 5059 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067. Seconded by Smith. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Kasselder – aye, Swick – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.
Derner made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Wright. All in favor. Motion adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
The next regular board meeting will be held May 8, 2023 at 8 p.m.
PUBLISH: April 19, 2023